Private Project


“An unexpected call in the middle of the night awakens Sophia, unleashing a dark psychological game where the past comes back to haunt her. As the tension builds, the boundaries between reality and her worst fears blur, forcing her to confront the scars that never healed.”

  • Daniela Alejandra Hernandez
  • Black Taurus Studios
    Production Company
  • Project Title (Original Language):
  • Project Type:
    Short Script
  • Genres:
    Suspense, Thriller Psicológico
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
  • Shortfilm Script Competition by FICCH 2024
    November 24, 2024
Writer Biography - Daniela Alejandra Hernandez

Co-fundadora de Black Taurus Studios, una productora audaz y visionaria especializada en crear narrativas inquietantes que exploran las profundidades de las sociedades actuales, la psique humana y los límites de la realidad.

Cinéfila, escritora y emprendedora en la industria creativa, Daniela es una creadora de contenidos con sentido crítico, que busca concienciar a través del entretenimiento.

Su mantra es:
Los mejores argumentos del mundo no harán cambiar de opinión a una persona. Lo único que puede hacerlo es una buena historia». -Richard Powers

Co-founder of Black Taurus Studios, a bold and visionary production company specialized in creating disturbing narratives that explore the depths of today's societies, the human psyche and the limits of reality.

Cinephile, writer and entrepreneur in the creative industry, Daniela is a content creator with a critical sense, seeking to raise awareness through entertainment.

Her mantra is:
'The best arguments in the world won't change a person's mind. The only thing that can do that is a good story.' -Richard Powers.

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Writer Statement

"Cicatriz" nació de mi deseo de explorar las complejidades del abuso emocional, un tipo de violencia que a menudo queda en las sombras, especialmente cuando se manifiesta a través de medios aparentemente inofensivos. Lo que me interesa mostrar es cómo incluso mujeres fuertes y exitosas pueden verse atrapadas en dinámicas destructivas, sin importar cuán resueltas o independientes parezcan. En este caso, un objeto tan común como un celular se convierte en un arma de control.

En lugar de conectar, el teléfono se transforma en un instrumento de acoso que revive cicatrices del pasado, recordándonos que el abuso emocional no necesita ser físico para impactar negativamente en nuestro bienestar. Las cicatrices de Sophia, la protagonista, son una metáfora de lo que muchos enfrentan en silencio: heridas profundas que, aunque no visibles, siguen presentes en lo cotidiano.

A través de esta historia, quiero generar conciencia sobre cómo el abuso emocional puede manifestarse de formas sutiles pero poderosas, y cómo afecta profundamente la vida de las personas. "Cicatriz" es una oportunidad para que la audiencia se cuestione sobre los límites del control y el poder en las relaciones, y sobre el largo camino hacia la sanación.

“Cicatriz” was born out of my desire to explore the complexities of emotional abuse, a type of violence that is often left in the shadows, especially when it manifests itself through seemingly harmless means. What I am interested in showing is how even strong, successful women can get caught up in destructive dynamics, no matter how resolute or independent they may seem. In this case, an object as commonplace as a cell phone becomes a weapon of control.

Instead of connecting, the phone becomes an instrument of harassment that revives scars from the past, reminding us that emotional abuse need not be physical to negatively impact our well-being. The scars of Sophia, the protagonist, are a metaphor for what many face in silence: deep wounds that, although not visible, are still present in the everyday.

Through this story, I want to raise awareness about how emotional abuse can manifest itself in subtle but powerful ways, and how it profoundly affects people's lives. “Scar” is an opportunity for the audience to question the limits of control and power in relationships, and the long road to healing.