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Christmas in Argentina

Inspired by the making of the Christmas Scene Concept. 'Christmas in Argentina' is pulled from the pages of the novel 'Different Flags by Eugenia Renskoff.

  • Vicki L. Johnson
  • Runtime:
    7 minutes 12 seconds
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography

Vicki Johnson is an aspiring filmmaker who has education in film and television. Her background in television has been in 5 bayarea stations in counties on the local level mostly governmental access. Her goal has always been a creative one to pursue the dream and go through the process of making a vision come to life on the big screeen. A mother of 4 and grandmother of 5 Ms. Johnson is a proud parent of a school teacher a civil service worker a Doula and an Animator as well as a Mechanical Engineer and Magna cum Laude graduate. She has several projects as works in progress and look forward to those Adaptations and Original works in both film and television series as well as experimental projects. Why so late? Raising 4 full persons solo is no easy task and putting yourself last is the self sacrificing reason for most mothers and what she chose to do. But some things are meant to happen, never go away and eventually will happen if you still have the Faith, drive, endurance and passion and prayer to keep them going. For some its a part of who they are and in the realm of creators you will find 'your people'. Patience has been a virtue for Ms. Johnson and the balancing act of maintaining and pursuing the journey in a forward pace that has its rewards along the way. As a beacon to others while sharing and helping like-minded people pursue their dream. As she continues to put head to the wind and push through obstacles that will come, she will continue to keep moving forward.

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Director Statement

My first full Short Film Scene Concept 'Christmas in Argentina' from an Adaptation pulled from the pages of the book 'Different Flags' The Christmas Scene by Eugenia Renskoff. This project is a full feature length film work in progress. I am proud to have accomplished this piece with the assistance of a great Cinematographer, Sound Engineer and Camera OP AD. The location of the project was from a local event center with the design of Spain in its exterior and interior. This film wants to be made and connect with the right studio family to bring the mood, sound and performance it deserves. I look forward to creating more short to feature film works and to finally make a full feature length films.