



China Women’s Film Festival is presented and hosted by China Women’s Film Festival Organizing Committee, dedicated to the exploration and promotion of Chinese female talents in all aspects of film industry, and promoting international communication as a platform. China Women’s Film Festival have been held successfully for two continuous years and over hundred guests from the oversea and domestic participated in the Festival such as Julie Dash(America),Angie Chan (HK), Shiyu Wei (HK), Yushan Huang(Taiwan), Ji Huang,Yuyi Guo. The Festival attracted almost a million audiences to attend the Festival.

China Women’s Film Festival takes “Focus on Women, Encourage Diversified Development”as the objective and aims to be the most effective professional women’s film festival organization in China.We not only focus on issues of women’s rights protection all over the world, but also improve social awareness in the sight of feminism, help promote the personalized creation of women filmmakers and nurture a batch of female directors ,screenwriters and producers who have the spirit of independence. On the other hand, we will invite executive feminism films worldwide to screening in the Festival , comparing the living conditions of women from different countries and promoting international communication and cooperation.

2015 China Women’s Film Festival will include a special segment called “focus on women of minority nationalities”, in order to touch upon the living conditions of the marginalized females, thereby turn the attention to the creating dilemma which women filmmakers from minority nationalities faced.

We encourage professionals from the film and televisions fields who are enthusiastic about feminism. Films must be directed or/and starring by women, or focus on women and their life experiences, especially the films concerned about women’s living condition, such as paying special attention to labor women and conditions of women from minority nationalities , histories of women filmmakers or issues about LGBT.

Preference will be given to films made by women in a leadership role(s); including director, screenplay writer, producer, cinematographer, etc. We welcome films of all genres, including but not limited to narrative, documentary, animation, experimental, hybrid, etc.

女性荣耀奖 (3名)

Female Honor Awards

Audience Choice Awards

Best Choice Films

All the nominated films will be elevated to the international film festival platforms by the organizing committee of China Women’s Film Festival.

Each filmmaker will be given a maximum of 10 tickets to their screening for crew, family, personal guests and press.

• 欢迎各种类型的电影,
• 短片限2014年1月1日后完成,长片(至少40min)限2013年4月1日后完成。
• 我们更希望看到由女性担任重要角色的电影,包括导演、编剧、制作人或是摄影等等。
• 请提供PAL DVD录像带或Vimeo的链接
• 所有录像带必须附带在线或邮寄的参赛表格,最好网络在线
• 我们将会保管您的参赛作品,但对在我们保管或转交的过程中发生的损坏或丢失一概不负责任。
• 只有附有贴好邮票的回邮信封的录影带会被寄回。
• 请不要提供半成品。

♠ We welcome films of all genres.

♠ The short films submitted must have been completed after January 1, 2014.The feature-length films (at least 40 min)submitted must have been completed after April 1, 2013.

♠ Preference will be given to films made by women in a leadership role(s); including director, screenplay writer, producer, cinematographer, etc.

♠ Please submit PAL DVD or send Vimeo link.

♠ All screeners must be accompanied by an online or mailed entry form,online preferred.

♠ All possible care will be taken in the handling of entries. However, the Festival cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to entries while they are in our possession or in transit.

♠ Only preview tapes received with a self addressed stamped mailer will be returned.

♠ No works-in-progress please.


♠ Screening materials already with English and Chinese(or Chinese dialects )subtitles are preferred. Relating materials (including trailers, videos or photos) should be submitted for promotional purposes of China Women’s Film Festival .All the nominated films will be screened free during the festival.

Overall Rating
  • Our special comments :
    We are very proud & glad for our feature film " Tara the journey of love & passion " film team to be part of your prestigious film festival .
    We have suggestions which we would like to put forward for positive improvement of our film festival to grow & become worlds no1 film festival & we will be happy to contribute positive suggestions in the growth of your film festival .
    a) PRESS INCLUDING TV , RADIO , FILM MAGAZINES , ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINES , EVENT COMPANIES , MAGAZINES , E -NEWS PAPERS has to be invited by your festival coordinator has to send our invitations to entire press to cover the event . regular press releases send before and after the event .
    b) The consulates of all countries to be invited
    c) Govt officials , minsters to be invited
    d) Big sponsors to be invited
    e) The tourism ministry & tourism department to be notified in advance to include the film festivals in all their publicity & printouts
    f) There has to be advertisement / publicity in local news papaers & on billboards which are sponsored .
    g) Big names in show biz in the country have to be invited to make the event successful
    h) Tie up with colleges & schools to ensure all seats are filled up during all screenings and award function no seat should be empty .
    i ) Have interns for the film festival taken from media colleges where by you have 30 interns to help during the film festival
    j) There should be photographers interns from photography college . there should be 25 photographers clicking pics .
    k) Red carpers have to be bigger
    l) The publicity boards for taking pix in front have to be bigger & better
    m) The directors -producers & lead actress have to be sponsored to fly down for film festival with help of big sponsors .
    n) Sponsors you have to tie up with biggest advertising companies , event management companies radio , billboard & tv companies for big sponsorship tie ups
    o) You can get sponsors form various consulates , govt bodies , event management companies , film commissions etc .
    Good luck i can keep going on
    Would love you to succeed in very big way & become no 1 in world , we are there to stand by you all the time we promise you .
    Good luck
    God bless you
    Best regards
    Kumar Raj ( Producer & Director )
    Umair Siddiqui ( Film Festival Director For Feature Film Tara )
    C: +919773503615
    Kumar Raj Productons

    November 2016
  • No communication! It is sad.

    July 2016