We provide a common platform for the authors of children's films to project their films for children and educate them through meaningful films; promoting positive values, friendship, family and co- operation among people, promotion of film art as specific artistic expression and promotion of if among children as future film professionals.
1. Third edition of Tintiri - Mintiri Children Film Fest will be held in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
2. Date and place: The Festival will be held in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in June 2017.
3. The main objective of the Festival is providing a common platform for the authors of children's films to project their films for children and educate them through meaningful films; promoting positive values, friendship, family and co- operation among people, promotion of film art as specific artistic expression and promotion of if among children as future film professionals.
4. The Festival program is consisted of following sections:
o Open international film competition;
o Thematic sections, special screenings, workshops and forums.
5. The Organizer of TMCFF 2016 is Auripigment production in collaboration with NGO Creative Center Tintiri-Mintiri and Cinematheque of Macedonia.
6. The films in official competition can submit art schools, production companies, film institutions, independent artists and other competent persons. The applicant have several options of submitting the films:
- Through snail mail on the festival address str. Venijamin Macukovski 17/1-1 000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
- Through online film submission platform FilmFreeway
- through official festival e-mail address kc.tintirmintiri@gmail.com
7. The applicants of the selected films for official competition should send following data for Festival screening : submitted film in HD format, pictures from the Film (in high resolution), synopsis, picture and biography of the director and dialog list in English language. On-line applicants need to send a materials on the e-mail: kc.tintirimintiri@gmail.com
8. The submitted films should be for children of all ages.
9. The Festival reserves the right to exclude films which could offend the national feelings or are likely to promote racial discrimination or such films which may be detrimental to the cause of unity of humankind.
10. Submitted films for official competition can be finished in any technique (live action and animation) up to 25 minutes for shorts and up to 120 minuter for features, completed after 31 December, 2015.
11. The art director (selector of the Festival) together with Board of the Festival will nominate submitted films for official selection.
12. The films in official competition should be submitted in HD format.
13. The Festival organizers reserve the right to invite films they consider suitable for the film festival.
14. The Festival doesn’t charge any fee for submissions. The costs for postal services and procurement of materials, covers the applicant. The submitted materials should not be returned.
15. The deadline for sending applications and materials is April 15th, 2017.
16. The applicants are obligated to make official English translation of the submitted films.
17. The Festival copy should be send with ideal technical characteristics, on the same address, with English translation.
18. Tintiri-Mintiri Children Film Fest forms jury announced by the Organizer, which will award the prizes
19. The Films selected in official competition may be shown more than three times during the Festival.
20. Entrants agree to grant the Festival the rights for using the films for free, for promotional materials, Festival publications (printed materials, web-sites etc.) and for Festival promotion on all media, as well as for TV screening related to the Festival.
21. The producers of the films in official competition agree to be organized up to 9 screenings of the films in official selection for free, after the completion of the Festival in Macedonia and abroad.
22. Applying a Film on the Festival denotes acceptance of the Festival Statutes.
23. The organizers will decide for any subject not included in the Festival Statute.
Festival address:
Venijamin Macukovski 17/1-1 1000 Skopje
e-mail: kc.tintirimintiri@gmail.com
Tel.no. for all contacts:
+389 78 30 21 61
web site: www.tintirimintiri.mk