Chapter 1 Devils Mind
2 assassin brothers otis and oscar and their father make the mistake of robbing and killing a member of a drug organization that the leader named jose seizes the opportunity to commit revenge but the makalisters are fugitives of many sadistic murders and the organization doesn't know what else beyond them the devil accompanies them and in their minds
Esteban Obrian MundoDirector
Esteban Obrian MundoWriter
Esteban Obrian MundoProducer
Jose GuzmánKey Cast"Oscar"
Esteban Obrian MundoKey Cast"Otis "
Joelys GrajalesKey Cast"José"
Vinny GiarrizzoKey Cast"Chicano"
Roberto SeguíKey Cast"Father makalister"
Osvaldo EspinosaKey Cast"Franco"
Project Type:Experimental, Short
Runtime:25 minutes 45 seconds
Completion Date:April 30, 2023
Production Budget:1,000 USD
Country of Origin:Puerto Rico
Country of Filming:Puerto Rico
Shooting Format:Mp4
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
In 30 years old in from isabela puerto rico first time filmaker
I want to see grow my new proyect devils mind