Chamberos: Recycling and territory
Waste pickers, activists and citizens from different professional backgrounds come together as the "Colectivo Puerto López Recicla" to improve local waste pickers' work conditions and tackle the overwhelming problem of waste generation inside a protected area. Their growth and achievements in the midst of discrimination, CHAMBEROS is proof of the importance and reach of community organization in the fight for social justice and conservation.
Paúl Andrés Ramírez MatamorosDirector
Paúl Andrés Ramírez MatamorosScript, camera and montage
May Platt LunnissScript, camera and montage
Sara LarreaKey Cast
Glenda ChilánKey Cast
Javier FigueroaKey Cast
William GuerreroKey Cast
Emma FigueroaKey Cast
May PlattKey Cast
Maribel FigueroaKey Cast
Johanna ZambranoKey Cast
Raquel ChilánKey Cast
Chantal LuthyKey Cast
Johnny MartínezKey Cast
Lady GuerreroKey Cast
Giovanny ChilánOther interviews
Sandra PlúaOther interviews
Colombia PilayOther interviews
Carlos LucasOther interviews
Magdalena NarváezOther interviews
Colectivo Puerto López ReciclaProducer
Project Title (Original Language):Chamberos: Reciclaje y territorio
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:46 minutes 36 seconds
Completion Date:March 19, 2024
Production Budget:500 USD
Country of Origin:Ecuador
Country of Filming:Ecuador
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Paúl es Licenciado en Comunicación Social con experiencia en
cobertura de procesos de defensa de Derechos
Humanos y de la Naturaleza.
Su experiencia incluye un trabajo amplio en el campo de la educación y en el ámbito cultural relacionado con la creación de literatura, cine y con esta obra, trabajos documentales.