
I need to tell you, I'm no longer that son who knew how to listen to you and obey you

And at the end of the afternoon would tell you about the day and say how I feel without hiding

I’m sorry I walked and moved away from the limits of your home, and got lost inside of me

And when I went back it was already night and I couldn't see the way, and I ended up staying here

And now there's a world in here, which I can't get out

It's just that I'm tired of trying

I swear, I tried, I tried and fought

Until the last minute, Father you know I did everything, and look where I ended up

It's just that I'm tired of trying

I swear I tried, I tried, to express,

Every word that I sang,

Every sound that I have gave it to you

They weren't enough to save me

Here in my world is a castle of sand
Where the waves of fear come with everything to destroy, here I don't have air I don't have a hug, here I need to be careful, a false step and it's my end

Here my energies are sucked my senses are ceased, I don't listen and I can't even speak, and whoever commands here is so subtle and has attracted me, and got it to imprison me here, I've already tried to get out of my world but I always come back here

It's just that I'm tired of trying

I swear I tried to fight, until the last minute, Father, you know I did everything and look where I ended up

It's just that I got tired of trying,

I swear I tried to express,

Every word that I sang

Every sound that i have gave it to you

They weren't enough to save me

But I'm going to run into your arms of love

Wherever it is, I'll go

I'm going to run into your arms of love

Wherever it is,I'll go

I'm going to run into your arms of love

Wherever it is, I'll go

I'm going to run into your arms of love

Wherever it is, I'll go

I'm going to run into your arms of love

Wherever it is, I'll go

Ôh ôhôhôh ôhôhôu ôuôuôu

Ôh ôhôhôh ôhôhôu ôuôuôu

Ôu uôu Hummmmmmm


I will go into your arms of love

I'll go

  • Sarça Filmes
  • Rodrigo de Paula Mariano
  • Jessé Aguiar
  • Sarah Martins e Rodrigo de Paula
    Creative Direction
  • Sarah Martins
    Road map
  • Project Type:
  • Genres:
  • Length:
    6 minutes 9 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    September 23, 2022
  • Country of Origin:
  • Language:
  • Student Project:
    Melhor videoclipe nacional envolvendo diversidade e inclusão
Artist Biography

Nascido e criado pelos pais em berço cristão, Jessé Aguiar cantou pela primeira vez aos 4 anos de idade em sua igreja local. Ainda criança ele já interpretou canções de grandes nomes do cenário da música gospel como Cassiane, Damares e Lauriete. Em cada apresentação já existia uma identidade própria e uma paixão por aquele propósito que existia em seu coração.

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Artist Statement

Entre composições que Deus me dava desde jovem, com cenários de escassez na minha família, a música e a voz "além de mim" me salvou diversas vezes. Eu me perguntava o que aconteceria e onde eu iria chegar, e esses encontros com a música em meu quarto eram como profecias de grandes espetáculos sinfônicos, que salvariam primeiro a mim e depois muitas outras pessoas dentro dos processos que vivemos. Hoje não faço mais parte da industria do Gospel, mas o que ha de mais precioso ainda reina em meu coração, a essência de uma fé vital.