Camp Jordan: So Unique
Three current staff members from the Bangor Region YMCA's Camp Jordan reflect on their time as LGBTQ+ youth attending sleep-away camp. They explain how their experiences have shaped them as people and how they have been able to become queer role models for the current generation of campers. The participants first explain how they first arrived at camp. Sarah describes looking for a more inclusive camp experience, Emmylou talks about her first time away from home, and Wolf recounts the first time he felt accepted as himself. All three participants explain some of there "queer" moments as campers, from accidental outings, to forced heterosexual crushes, to queer role models. They then talk about the culture shift over the last several years and steps they have made to be better role models. They share stories from experiences they have had directly with their campers that stand out to them as progress being made. The film ends with Sarah, Emmy, and Wolf sharing their hopes for the future of camp, and a slideshow of amazing memories being made at Camp Jordan.
Wolf MackRosenDirector
Wolf MackRosenWriter
Wolf MackRosenProducer
Wolf MackRosenKey Cast
Sarah LittlefieldKey Cast
Emmylou HentschkeKey Cast
Project Type:Documentary, Short
Runtime:14 minutes 57 seconds
Completion Date:December 4, 2021
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:3:2
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes - Clark University
Clark Student Documentary ScreeningWorcester
United States
December 7, 2021
Wolf MackRosen is a student filmmaker and screenwriter from Marblehead, Massachusetts. After a brief stint as a Nursing Student, Wolf transferred to Clark University in 2020 as a Sophomore to pursue Screen Studies. He has a passion for comedy and aspires to become a professional screenwriter. After being inspired by his childhood summer camp's strides towards LGBTQ+ inclusivity, Wolf decided to tell that story in Camp Jordan: So Unique. This film is his directorial debut and a way of "paying forward" the lessons he learned at Camp Jordan
As a closeted kid with niche interests, the week I spent every year at Camp Jordan's Leader School program was my escape. Even though it was the place I felt most myself, my identity as a queer man wasn't something I felt secure enough to share. Over the last three years as a staff member, I have seen tremendous change in how our community cares for and embraces LGBTQ+ youth. This is due in no small part to the efforts made by our staff led by our incredible camp director Jayci Fournier, who has always pushed me to be the best version of myself. I created this film both as a love letter to the Camp Jordan community and to show queer youth that there are places in this world where their identities will not just be tolerated but celebrated. Getting the chance to interview two of my closest friends Sarah Littlefield, and Emmylou Hentshke, has made me realize even more how incredible they are as camp counselors and how lucky I am that they continue to tolerate my presence. So, please put on your deep woods bug spray, and enjoy Camp Jordan: So Unique.