One night, two friends decide to relax by taking a mysterious substance that promises to give them an unforgettable high, but when things take a turn for the worse, their friendship is tested... with bloody results.
Kieran HayagWriter/DirectorHow to be a Hero, Supermarket of the Lost
Alex RyndersProducerShelter - A Tale from the Wasteland
Julian ArgabriteComposer
Charles WagnerKey Cast"Felix"
Adrian BarronKey Cast"Nick"
Eric ParkKey Cast"Commercial Actor"
Pat TagudarKey Cast"Commercial Narrator"
Project Type:Short
Genres:Comedy, Horror
Runtime:22 minutes 53 seconds
Completion Date:June 21, 2020
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:2:1
Film Color:Black & White and Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Horrible Imaginings Film Festival
United States
September 1, 2020
World Premiere
Official Selection
All the way from the mysterious land of Irvine, CA, Kieran Hayag is an aspiring director and writer. He graduated from the Orange County School of the Arts. There, he pursued theatre, but quickly discovered a new love for film. He incorporates elements from films he loves, but also brings his own personal experiences and emotions to the table. Horror, sci-fi, and comedy played a major part in his life, hence the reflection of those genres in his work.
CURE! was made as a tribute to the classic horror-comedies that we grew up enjoying. To make this film more interesting, we wanted to play with the theme of companies profiting off of nature and death. At the time of writing this screenplay, viruses seemed like the perfect vessel for that idea. Little did we know that the world would face a viral outbreak a couple months after finishing this film. It was not at all intentional to have the film come out around the coronavirus pandemic, but with several companies trying to profit off of this real-life dreadful virus, it seems like it was actually the perfect time to tell this satirical story. Despite the film being very tongue-in-cheek, and darkly humorous, it turned out to be coincidentally relevant.