Una vita vissuta con l'oppressione di essere diversi cercando la libertà nella solitudine.
Questa è la storia di Nora, una donna omosessuale che dopo un grande evento traumatico si ritrova in un mondo ancora più ostile di quello in cui è cresciuta.
Virgilio, suo figlio, la condurrà attraverso questo Inferno terrestre dove un virus ha trasformato le persone in creature senza volto.
I due troveranno rifugio in una casa isolata in mezzo alle montagne e resteranno in attesa che i sopravvissuti li
vengano a salvare.
Sarà proprio l'amore per il figlio a darle la forza per andare avanti.
A life of oppression for being different, seeking freedom through solitude.
This is the story of Nora, a homosexual woman who, after a highly traumatic event, finds herself in an even more hostile world than the one she grew up in.
Her young son Virgilio accompanies her in this earthly hell of faceless creatures who now inhabit the earth.
After finding refuge in an isolated house in the mountains they wait for the survivors to come to save them.
It will be the love for her son that will give her the strength to go on.
Marcello QuartieriDirector
Marcello QuartieriWriter
Marcello QuartieriProducer
Madalina TanasieKey Cast"Nora"
Lorenzo SchiesaroKey Cast"Virgilio"
Cristina BenfenatiKey Cast"midwife and creature"
Alessandro Degl'AntoniKey Cast"forensic policeman and creature"
Carlos MonroyKey Cast"forensic policeman"
Giorgio PavaniKey Cast"policeman and creature"
Antonella De MattiaKey Cast"policewoman"
Adelmo MacchioniKey Cast"Journalist"
Francesco TrescaComposer
Antonella De MattiaMakeup Artist
Andrea FerrettiHairstylist
Martina RigoniVoice actress Nora
Roberto SavegnagoDubbing recording
Angelica PattiPolicewoman voice
Cinzia TorelliScene and backstage photographer
Marcello QuartieriDOP
Cristina CenuseCostume Designer
Marcello QuartieriEditing
Roberta CassanelliPublic relations on the set
James Alexander FordTranslations
Andrea MelegariTranslations
Fabio VandelliScript supervisor
Project Title (Original Language):CREATURÆ
Project Type:Feature
Genres:Drama, thriller
Runtime:1 hour 22 minutes 22 seconds
Completion Date:April 6, 2019
Country of Origin:Italy
Country of Filming:Italy
Shooting Format:Digital 4K
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Marcello Quartieri was born in Vignola (MO), Italy, in 1978. Fascinated since childhood by the big screen, he passes from the study on the photograph to that of directing and in 2002 he founded "Un Gruppo a Parte", a film project-oriented learning and self-produced debut the production of short films. In 2014 he renews and changes the group name becoming "IMAGINE Independent Film Lab" by which he achieved mainly short films as well as commercials, music videos and a web/TV serie.
Dopo un'approfondita ricerca ho voluto raccontare ciò che tante donne provano in determinate situazioni drammatiche della vita.
Ciò che vediamo dall'esterno è solo un'immagine riflessa di quello che la nostra mente ci offre ma solo vivendo questi momenti angoscianti si può capire appieno l'oscurità che li avvolge.
L'oppressione individuale, sotto qualunque forma, porta spesso ad estraniarsi dal resto del mondo perché questo problema viene vissuto relegato solo a se stessi.
After a thorough research I wanted to tell what so many women feel in certain dramatic situations in life.
What we see from the outside is only a reflection of what our mind offers us but only by experiencing these distressing moments can we fully understand the darkness that surrounds them.
Individual oppression, in any form, often leads to estrangement from the rest of the world because this problem is experienced relegated only to oneself.