
  • Andrew Schmidt
  • Andrew Schmidt
    Name of Band or Artist
  • Project Type:
    Song, Film Score
  • Length:
    5 minutes 5 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    March 3, 2021
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • Student Project:
Artist Biography

I grew up in Milltown, NJ, across the street from Grammy winning genius on piano, DAVID KIKOSKI, as we've been good friends since 1st grade! His Dad was brilliant on sax (and every other instrument) as he taught Dave piano and taught me guitar as kids, while he also taught my 5 siblings piano, guitar and drums! Milltown NJ is a tiny town that's famous for the 1st rubber tire plant (Michelin) in the USA as Milltown also had the delicious donuts of Tony Shanahan's Family Bakery as Tony now plays bass for Patty Smith! I studied Music Theory in high school and again in college at Rutgers where I met Papa Jo Jones in my 1st drum class while I was also playing bass in a rock cover band in all of the central NJ bars as I play guitar, bass, drums and keyboards! I then spent 33 rewarding years as a social worker at youth corrections trying to save disadvantaged criminal teens as I taught those on probation how to fish, cook, play ball, lift weights, record their own non-profane raps, but most importantly, how to become respectful self-reliant adults in society! And Gold Medal Olympic boxer, Howard Davis Jr, worked there with me for a year! In retirement now, I am bringing my patented lifesaving invention to market as I also work to get my copyrighted music into a good film with instrumental tracks from great musicians such as Randy Brecker along with band members from Peter Gabriel, Styx, King Crimson and Roger Waters including Tony Levin, Jerry Marotta, Seamus Blake, Trey Gunn and Todd Sucherman!!! And I even got a call from Jon Anderson (Yes) wanting to add his vocals!!! My favorite great movie composers are JOHN BARRY and RICHARD RODGERS!!! But more importantly than all of the above was my being a committed loving father to my gorgeous daughter, Sarah, who now lives in England with her boyfriend, Tyler Adams, who plays soccer for Leeds United and he's also the captain of the USA World Cup soccer team as he's a very nice young man!!!

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Artist Statement

I am bringing my patented lifesaving invention to market as I also work to get my copyrighted music into a good film with tracks from great musicians such as Randy Brecker along with band members from Peter Gabriel, King Crimson, Roger Waters and Styx!!! My favorite movie composers are JOHN BARRY and RICHARD RODGERS as my favorite movies are those with great movie scores such as SOMEWHERE IN TIME, THE SOUND OF MUSIC, ALWAYS and PEGGY SUE GOT MARRIED!!! After spending 33 years as a social worker at youth corrections in NJ helping to save criminal teens, I know that I paid my dues to sing the blues!!!