Butoni Films Cultural Association announces the fourth edition of the international short film competition Butoni Film Fest within the framework of Butoni Fest Vol. 4 - International Cultural Festival of Valencia.
Submission deadline: July 7, 2024.
Submission deadline: July 7, 2024
The main objective of Butoni Fest is to be a festival for everyone, a festival of synergies, a meeting place where young filmmakers screen their work altogether with established filmmakers and exchange concerns, where emerging musicians share their music backed by illustrations by young artists, where children who dream of becoming actors learn how a film is made. A place where present and future go hand in hand. That is Butoni Fest.
Who can participate?
Any person, regardless of their nationality, can participate and/or compete.
A natural person over 18 years old or any legal entity. There is no limit to the number of short films with which the same Author/Producer/Distributor can participate.
General conditions
All short films submitted in each of the six established categories must meet the following requirements:
They will have a maximum duration of 30 minutes including credits.
They must have been made or produced after 1 January 2022 and must not be available on any streaming platform.
The short films must be entered in the corresponding categories provided by the Festival. In the event that a short film is entered in a category to which it does not belong, it may be moved to another category as long as it complies with the requirements of that category. If you wish to participate in more than one category, you must enter the short film in each of the categories in which you want to participate.
Language AND SubtitleS
Short films may be shot in any language. All short films whose original version is different from Valencian or Spanish must be submitted in their original version with subtitles in Valencian, Spanish or english.
The organisation will evaluate all the proposals received in the same way.
Categories and specific conditions
This year's festival has the following categories:
Competitive section. The short films presented will be fiction or animation, original or adaptation of free genre.
Competitive section. The short films presented will be fiction or animation, original or adaptation of free genre made by students. To participate in this category, a document certifying that the director/author/producer was a student when the short film was made must be attached.
Competitive section. The short films submitted must be animated, original or adapted with a free genre. This section accepts short films from 2021 onwards.
Competitive section. The short films presented will be fiction or animation, original or adapted, and their theme will be adventure genre or fan films. This section accepts short films from 2021 onwards.
Competitive section. The short films presented will be fiction or animation, original or adaptation of free genre where the director is Valencian or 80% of the accredited crew is Valencian or they are entirely filmed in the Comunitat Valenciana. This section accepts short films from 2020 onwards. To participate in this category, a document certifying that the director/author/producer/crew/crew is Valencian or that the short film was shot in the Valencian Community must be attached.
Competitive section. Music video with a free theme and international scope.
Competitive section. Fashion films with free themes and international scope.
Cinematographic exhibition, non-competitive. Short films focused on the little ones at home and internationally.
The organisers reserve the right to modify the categories into which the festival is divided.
Payment for selection
The organisation will pay all the short films selected in the categories: OFFICIAL SELECTION and OFFICIAL STUDENT SELECTION the amount of 20€ (VAT included) as payment for selection and broadcasting rights. This payment will be made to the producer of the short film by means of an invoice to be provided by the producer. The organisation reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount to be paid, but undertakes to make one payment per selection.
Deadline and form of entry
Short films will be submitted in the different categories for selection through one of the following platform: FESTHOME.
The deadline for entries is 7 July 2024.
The entry fee for OFFICIAL SELECTION, ÀNIMA, AVENTURAS Y FAN FILMS, LA TERRETA, FASHION FILMS, CHILDREN’S and MUSIC VIDEOS will be 8€ until 30 June 2024 (included). The late registration fee will be €10 from 1 July to 7 July 2024.
The registration fee for the OFFICIAL STUDENT SELECTION will be €5 until 30 June 2024 (included). The late registration fee will be 7€ from 1 July to 7 July 2024.
The works that will go through to the final phase of the competition will be selected by the festival's selection committee. Their decision will be final.
Once the selection process has been completed, the results will be communicated to the participants via the email address provided on the corresponding platform. It will also be published on the Festival's website and on different social networks.
Entries are NOT refundable.
Once a film has been selected by the Festival for any of the established categories, it cannot be withdrawn.
The selected works must be downloaded on the platform used for their screening in MP4 format - Codec 264 - Resolution: HD or sent by any online means (Drive, Dropbox, WeTransfer...) to the Festival organisation.
The selected works must be submitted for screening without "flies" and clean, attaching the corresponding STR file with the relevant subtitles in the case of films shot in a language other than Spanish or Valencian.
In case of problems with the copies, the Festival Organising Committee may ask the filmmakers for a new link for downloading or a new submission.
The Festival Organising Committee will be able to select, out of competition for the non-official section, works that, due to their interest, it considers that they can be exhibited, as long as they have the corresponding authorisation from the filmmakers.
This selection does not carry any economic endowment or prize.
The Festival Organisation will appoint the juries for the different sections in competition. The jury will be made up of four professionals from the film sector and four students with studies related to the film and audiovisual world selected by the festival management and will be responsible for awarding the prizes, whose decisions will be final.
The juries of the different categories may award, together with the official prizes, as many special mentions as they consider in each of the sections.
Prizes in all categories may be declared void if deemed necessary. prizes with a financial endowment may not be awarded ex aequo. In the case of non-monetary prizes, the juries of the different categories may award a prize ex aequo in each of the sections.
The economic amount of the prizes will be subject to the withholdings determined by the legislation in force at the time of their payment by the Festival Organisation and will be understood, in any case, to be included in the economic allocation of the said prizes.
The prizes may be sponsored by companies, public or private entities.
The prizes awarded by the jury and by the audience attending the screenings of the festival's competitive categories are as follows:
Butoni Award for the Best Short Film (300€ and Trophy).
Butoni Award for Best Student Short Film (300€ and Trophy)
Butoni Award for Best Music Video (100€ and Trophy)
Butoni Award for Best Animation Short Film (Trophy)
Butoni Award for Best Adventure/Fan Film (Trophy)
Butoni Award for Best Valencian short film (Trophy and 200€)
Butoni Award to the Best Short Film of the Audience (Trophy)
Butoni Award to the Best Director (Trophy)
Butoni Award to the Best Student Director (Trophy)
Butoni Award for Best Screenplay (Trophy)
Butoni Award for Best Cinematography (Trophy)
Butoni Award for Best Actor (Trophy)
Butoni Award for Best Actress (Trophy)
Butoni Award for Best Artistic Direction (Trophy)
Butoni Award to the Best Characterization (Trophy)
Butoni Award for Best Sound (Trophy)
Butoni Award for Best Special Effects (Trophy)
Butoni Award for the Best Original Soundtrack (Trophy)
Butoni Award for Best Fashion Film (Trophy and 100€)
The economic contributions are inclusive of VAT.
The awards ceremony will take place on September 21st, 2024 at the closing gala of the Butoni Fest Vol. 4 International Cultural Festival of Valencia, where they will be given to the director, producer or relevant person of the artistic cast of each of the awarded short films.
In the event that the awarded person or the person delegated by him/her does not attend the awards ceremony, the awards may be sent to the postal address indicated, but the organisation will not be responsible for the cost of sending the trophies to those who do not attend the festival.
In case of not being able to attend the gala, it will be compulsory to send a thank you video before September 18th to be shown at the gala in case of being the winner.
The organisation reserves the right to show the selected films in as many public screenings as it deems appropriate. It may also use all the film and photographic material presented for promotional purposes or for any other non-profit social or cultural activity. In this respect, the production companies cede the rights for the public exhibition of their films, at no cost to the Festival organisation.
As for the works selected for the non-official section, with the prior consent of the filmmakers, the production companies cede the rights for the public screening of their films, at no cost to the Festival organisation.
The authors of the selected works will take part in a colloquium after the screenings of their works.
The Organisation will agree the date and order of screening of the films during the days of the Festival and reserves the right to screen or not a work if it does not meet the requirements to be screened with sufficient quality.
The short films that have been awarded prizes must include the Festival's laurel in their credits in successive public screenings and in any medium. This will be stated in the document of reception of the prizes awarded by the Festival.
The author or owner will maintain their intellectual rights and it will be their responsibility to ensure that they are not subject to any legal liability and that there are no third party rights. The submission of a short film to Butoni Fest implies, on the part of the selected participants, the non-proprietary transfer of the material to the organising entities for its use in the different activities programmed with the sponsors of the festival. In the same way, the organisers may use extracts from the short film (never longer than 3 min.) for advertising or promotional purposes of the festival.
The festival is not responsible for lost or damaged materials. Nor for goods, objects, theft or robbery that may be caused during the festival.
In case of breach of authorship, the person responsible will be solely and exclusively the person who has presented the short film or video clip, assuming, therefore, the consequences derived from any type of claim or legal action. Consequently, the organisation is exempt from any conflict derived from the non-authorship of the works presented.
These rules are subject to possible modifications and/or additions for reasons beyond the control of the organisers.
Any issue not foreseen in the rules will be resolved by the festival organisers.
The submission of a film or video clip to Butoni Fest Vol. 5 implies full acceptance and compliance with these Rules of Participation and its possible annexes.