Broken Heart
Two dimensional animated short film, 3 minutes and 48 seconds long, which presents a brief story centered on sadness and love, inspired by the author's personal experiences. This story is based on the emotional recovery process of a character after a love breakup. The short film has a total of 50 scenes and is divided into 4 main parts in which the story unfolds.
Stephan Könneker OrellanaDirector
Stephan Könneker OrellanaProducer
Project Type:Animation, Short, Student
Genres:Art, Melodrama, Psychological, Romantic, Silent Movie, Teen Movie
Runtime:3 minutes 48 seconds
Completion Date:July 10, 2020
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:Chile
Country of Filming:Chile
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes - Colegio Suizo de Santiago
I am Stephan Könneker Orellana, I was born in Germany on October 28, 2002, I currently live in Chile and I am 18 years old. I am currently attending university, however, at the time of this project I was still in high school and was 17 years old. It was 7 months of hard and constant work, where I was finally able to realize the work, which represents an important period in my life. It was a very enriching and pleasant experience.