Experiencing Interruptions?

Bright but Depressed Youth

Especially in Korea, where we live in a fiercely competitive society, many teenagers are suffering from depression due to the competition for entrance exams and the obsession to meet the standards of a standardized society.
However, during adolescence, when cognitive development is immature, these depressive feelings may be expressed in negative behavioral patterns without being properly recognized.
Depression can be difficult to express.
In what ways did they try to comfort their depressed selves that may have been wrong?
Depression leads to many criminal acts, but the social safety net is weak.
Is this the age where they don't feel guilty yet? Or are they trying to exploit the loopholes in the law, even when they know it's wrong?
In Korea, there is a system called the ‘Act on Law Breaching Minors.’
Crimes stemming from depression are on the rise.
‘Adolescent depression hidden behind a mask.’
We refer to this as masked depression.
Since masked depression is often invisible, seeking treatment or support can be challenging.
We must acknowledge the seriousness of this issue and support each other in overcoming it.
Understanding the other person's feelings can be of great comfort to them.
We need to encourage young people to think positively about the future.
There is nothing wrong with children having a dark shadow in their minds.
Just as there are sunny days, there are cloudy days; we need the strength of the people around us to listen to and support the ever-changing hearts of children, just like the weather.
Then, like a sunny spring day, the shadows in the children's hearts will be lifted.

  • Aaron Kim
  • Jimin Park
  • Aaron Kim
  • Jimin Park
  • Aaron Kim
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    10 minutes 49 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    August 15, 2023
  • Production Budget:
    500 USD
  • Country of Origin:
    Korea, Republic of
  • Country of Filming:
    Korea, Republic of
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
    Yes - Seoul International School
Director Biography - Aaron Kim, Jimin Park

Aaron Kim (Senior of Seoul International School)
Jimin Park and Yates Park (Junior of Seoul International School)

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Director Statement

Aaron, Jimin, and Yates are friends currently enrolled at Seoul International School. They are deeply interested in the mental well-being and happiness of their peers and have conducted extensive research and interviews on this topic to create films that approach it with empathy and objectivity. They have been collaborating on film projects for a significant amount of time, and are committed to utilizing their skills to raise awareness about important issues.