Bridge Creek Flats

Inspired by true events, this romantic action-packed journey, full of historical events, follows Frank Hilbert, the son of a Civil War Veteran. His hard scrabble pioneer family build a military beef, horse and hybrid war dog empire as the first and second World Wars unfold, striving to protect their empire as dangerous human and natural elements threaten their way of life.

Destined to be the next hot new series or epic blockbuster film, Bridge Creek Flats, inspired by true events, is the dramatic historical journey of the Hilbert Family and their community in the high mountains of Eastern Oregon as they battle natural elements, predatory animals and people, striving to to protect their ranch, livestock and families.

From the late 1800’s through World War I, The Great Depression and World War II, Frank Hilbert and his son Oscar, the county deputy Sheriff, and their hard scrabble pioneer community foster a bond with the Umatillan Natives after the Natives teach them to survive a harsh mountain winter. From 34 acres, Frank Hilbert grows his ranch to over 15,000 acres with thousands of cattle, horses and war dogs bred from wolf for the Great War. Frank’s French opera star wife, Octavia, brightens up life at the ranch after Frank’s first wife is killed by a grizzly. Under Hilbert Law, their ranch community, families and Umatillan Natives are protected from neighboring sheep herders, bank robbers, 1920’s Nazis, claim jumpers and murderers. Cattle baron Frank, the son of a Civil War hero and victim is surprised 50 years after his father’s death by Civil War veterans whose lives were saved by his father, John Hilbert, the father he never knew.

Experience dramatic, awe-inspiring scenes from the Civil War, the Hilberts rescue by 1930’s homeless camp residents when their cattle train derails plunging them and their cattle into the Columbia River. Military parajumpers help protect the 4,000 head of cattle and horses from predatory wolf, cat and bears under a Full Blood Red Moon as blood freezes on the faces of the wolf pack. Sheriff Hilbert invents bulletproof vests and a weapon fashioned from Tommy Guns to take on a group of bank robbers camped on the ranch related to Machine Gun Kelly and later receives an award in Chicago from the FBI. The Hilbert family orphanage and community help Orphan Train children thrown homeless upon the world from the Great Depression join local families to start new lives in Oregon. Deputy Sheriff Hilbert and family friend Teddy Roosevelt train wolf bred war dogs to run messages in the Great War. The alpha war dog saves a WWI platoon by dodging enemy bullets as he takes vital coordinates from the front line to command headquarters.

The small town God-fearing community of Ukiah, Oregon work together for 5 decades as the world changes around them. This action-packed story and its characters will take you back to a simpler place in history where protecting family, community and country meant everything.

  • David Hilbert
  • Project Type:
    Screenplay, Other
  • Genres:
    Action, Adventure, period, military, western, murder, feel good, rural, law enforcement, drama, crime, true story, history, family friendly
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
Writer - David Hilbert