POSTPONED until September 2020

BreakThroughs: The Tulane Public Health & Social Justice Film Festival is an outgrowth of The School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine collaboration with a non-profit radio station on a public health film festival last year (F-NO).

Do you have a film about Health Equity? We are currently accepting all categories--short and feature length films; documentary film; professional and student films; and even animated or children's films that tackle public health and social justice issues tailored for a young audience.

Our fest April 3-5 in New Orleans, Louisiana will explore public health and social justice topics-- gun violence, reproductive health and rights, racial health disparities, veterans returning from combat with PTSD, living with HIV, and indigenous populations' rights-- framed in the context of health equity. Public health and social justice consistently intersect and both areas run broad and deep. BreakThroughs Film Fest seeks to showcase many points of views and diverse voices across these communities.

About The School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine:
We have been a leader in the field of public health for more than 100 years, with an international view of public health throughout our history, while remaining firmly grounded in the culturally rich city of New Orleans, Louisiana.
Learn more at

Early Bird and Regular deadlines have passed, but we are continuing to accept late submissions! All entries must be received by January 29, 2020 to be eligible.

There is no limit on the number of films you can submit; however, each film submitted by you must be original and different from any other film submitted by you and accompanied by its own completed submission form and participant agreement. Films must be in English or subtitled in English and must be submitted via Secure Online Screener.

By submitting your film for consideration to the BreakThroughs Public Health and Social Justice Film Festival, you agree to allow our festival to screen your film if it is an official selection of the festival and, therefore, are obligated to your commitment.

DCP Preferred! If you need to submit via another format, please contact to us to discuss.