Fifteen Minutes: a BoJack Horseman spec script
When BoJack deliberately crashes his car in order to obtain painkillers (S05E09), he is forced to confront the people whose lives he ruined in a humiliating court-ordered public appearance.
Shane Walsh-SmithWriter
Project Type:Television Script
Genres:Animated, Comedy, Spec
Number of Pages:36
Country of Origin:Australia
First-time Screenwriter:Yes
Student Project:No
FEEDBACK Fan Fiction Festival
January 10, 2020
Winner -
Houston Comedy Film Festival Spring 2020
March 12, 2020
Finalist -
Portland Comedy Film Festival Summer 2020
April 13, 2020
Finalist -
Austin Comedy Short Film Festival
August 12, 2020
Finalist -
Atlanta Comedy Film Festival
October 27, 2020
Official selection
Shane Walsh-Smith's scripts have won or placed as finalists in more than thirty contests so far in 2020. He's a lifelong writer, a furious scripturient for whom fiction is the prism through which he understands the world and himself. Shane has written professionally in many forms, and might be the only person in the world to get a comic published in a refereed academic journal.