In a small town in the Swedish countryside, a young girl develops her newfound supernatural abilities. Through her charcoal crayons we see the future revealing itself. However, her teacher notices the girl's peculiar behavior and begins to seek answers, determined to find out what the future holds.
Kristoffer BerglundDirector
Kristoffer BerglundWriter
Peter MattssonWriter
Michael TebinkaWriter
Kristoffer BerglundProducer
Peter MattssonProducer
Michael TebinkaProducer
Ester VuoriKey CastLasseMajas detektivbyrå - Det första mysteriet (2018), Selmas Saga
Moa Enqvist StefansdotterKey CastThe Huntress, Warrior Women
Marko KattilakoskiKey Cast
Project Title (Original Language):Blackout
Project Type:Short
Runtime:5 minutes
Completion Date:January 6, 2020
Country of Origin:Sweden
Country of Filming:Sweden
Language:No Dialogue
Shooting Format:ARRI Mini LF
Aspect Ratio:2:39
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
K — a Swedish based writer and director who's been shooting commercials for years is doing his debut with the short film Blackout in 2020. Backed by ARRI, starring the young Swedish talent Ester Vuori (LasseMajas detektivbyrå, Selmas Saga).