"Bhanyaat" - An animated short film set in Uttarakhand's Timila village. Dadaji and his grandson face the merciless landslides during their midnight tales, symbolizing the helplessness against nature's fury. As the villagers suffer from climate change caused by capitalist corporations, they must embrace fate despite innocence. A poignant tale of resilience amid adversity.
"Bhanyaat" is a Kumaoni culture-specific term with no direct English translation, expressing the notion of impending doom.
Bhanu FularaDirector
Vibhu KapilDirector
Bhanu FularaWriter
Vibhu KapilWriter
Bhanu FularaProducer
Vibhu KapilProducer
Bhanu FularaKey Cast
Vibhu KapilKey Cast
Project Title (Original Language):Bhanyaat
Project Type:Animation, Short, Student
Runtime:3 minutes 12 seconds
Completion Date:May 20, 2023
Production Budget:24 USD
Country of Origin:India
Country of Filming:India
Shooting Format:Animation
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes - National Institute of Design