Beyond Order
Microcosm of prefabricated housing in East Germany: within the framework of an art project, children explore the foreign. They leave their monotonous everyday life behind and reinvent themselves.
Like Odradek the housefather, the children leave us fascinated and perplexed. What is on their minds? What are they thinking about? And what of their remarks have been simply parroted?
Alexander BauerDirector
Chris HerzogDirector
Lisa SchwalbDirector
Ferdinand KlüsenerDirector
Alma Wellner BouDirector
ongoing projectProducer
Saou TanakaCamera
Daniel KovalenkoCamera
Lars PreisserCamera
Chris HerzogSound/Music
Alexander BauerEditing/Animation
Project Title (Original Language):Jenseits der Ordnung
Project Type:Animation, Documentary
Genres:Coming of Age
Runtime:29 minutes 58 seconds
Completion Date:January 5, 2020
Country of Origin:Germany
Country of Filming:Germany
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
ongoing project was founded in 2009 at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies in Giessen. Chris Herzog, Lisa Schwalb, Alma Wellner Bou, Alexander Bauer and Ferdinand Klüsener work under this name. Since 2014 ongoing project has been realizing projects in the fields of performance, socioculture and interdisciplinary art in Germany and abroad. The artistic works are developed and produced jointly by the five members of the collective in shared authorship. The focus of all of ongoing project's work is the examination of social issues and the criticism of existing conditions.
Individual members have studied Applied Theatre Studies, Art in Context at the UdK and the Home Workspace Program at Ashkal Alwan in Beirut. The works of ongoing project have been shown in the following contexts: Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (FFM), Kunstfest Weimar, zeitraumexit (Mannheim, Festival Wunder der Prärie), Ashkal Alwan and Mansion Blatt (Beirut), Atelie Plastelin (Sofia), Lofft (Leipzig), Radio FSK (Hamburg), Stadttheater Gießen, united intimacy theatre (Riga) and Theater Vierte Welt (Berlin).
„Beyond Order“ is their debut film.