1. Online submissions through participating platforms only will be accepted.
2. All years of films PG-13 and under will be accepted.
3. Non-English submissions must be dubbed or subtitled in English for judging.
4. Multiple entries are allowed, however only one film will win.
5. All submissions are final. No refunds, no guarantees, NO EXCEPTIONS.
6. Entries will not be processed without the appropriate entry fee paid at the time of submission through a participating festival submission platform, which will not be refunded.
7. To ensure impartiality and fairness all verdicts will be made by a sequestered panel of judges who will award the “Best Film” at the end of each round once the final submission period has ended and will notify the winning filmmaker from each round after the final decision has been made. The title of “Ultimate Best Film” for each battle royale grudge match will be awarded after the winning films from each round have “sparred” off against each other in one final round and the judges have come to their final “ultimate” verdict for that season’s competition. The verdicts of the judges will be deemed final.
8. Only the winning film from each round shall earn the right to be named “Official Selection”.
9. No cash prizes will be awarded. The awards shall be as stated above.
10. Beat-It reserves the right to disqualify any submission at any time for any reason, without notification or explanation to the filmmaker.
11. By submitting you confirm that you own or have obtained permission for all necessary rights to the film you are submitting, agree to follow all rules and agree to allow your film to be judged by our private Beat-It judging panel. You declare that the Beat-It Film Competition shall be held indemnified and not liable for any legal proceedings or litigation involving said film or filmmaker.