Battle for Eden: Birth of An Antichrist
Battle for Eden – Logline
Beginning of a Horror/Thriller T.V. mini-series pitting Satan in a battle of wills against a 19-year-old woman with our future at stake.
Semi-Finalists: Creative Screenwriting Unique Voices and Filmmatic Horror Screenplay Contests, 2020.
Episode 1: Birth of An Antichrist – Synopsis
Charlie leaves her family in Connecticut and returns to New York City for her Sophomore year in college. Very quickly, she finds herself fighting for her life and soul, and for ours. What starts out as an innocent Toga party the first week of school with her roommate Rachel and friend Brad, turns into a trip to Hell.
Impregnated by Satan, she finds her way to a large hall filled with thousands of women of all ages and races who are pregnant. Charlie sees the gravity of Satan’s evil children getting into our world. Unfortunately, the Beast also sees the danger Charlie presents to him and to his plan for our world.
Imprisoned and nearly killed, Charlie escapes Hell and returns to our world. She goes to a clinic to see if it was all real. Nurse Nola tells her the good news is she wasn’t physically raped as she is still a virgin. The bad news is she’s pregnant. Charlie juggles school and her pregnancy with an ongoing battle with the Beast who tries to seduce and intimidate her, and conquer her will.
After an accelerated pregnancy, Charlie gives birth but Satan’s child is stillborn. However, the infant’s body cannot be found later.
Episode 2 "Accept Your Destiny" picks up and finishes the semester.
Project Type:Television Script
Genres:Horror, Thriller
Number of Pages:59
Country of Origin:United States
First-time Screenwriter:No
Student Project:No
Filmmatic Horror Screenplay Contest #5, 2020Los Angeles, CA
March 15, 2021
Semifinalist -
Creative Screenwriting Unique Voices Screenplay Competition, 2020
September 28, 2020