Vassilis Konstantinou was born in 1979 in Athens where he currently lives. He studied Physical Education and Sport Science in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Photography and Audiovisual Arts in University of West Attika (Athens). His involvement with photography started in 2007. Since then he has attended the following seminars conducted by Platon Rivellis “Introduction to Art Photography” (annual), “Photography Critique” and “Portfolio Critique”.
Group exhibitions:
July, 2012: ''Greek Photographic forms'', 1st International Biennale of Santorini (Santorini)
May 2013: 2nd International festival of Art and Creation (Zakynthos)
May, 2014: ''The Seas'' , Gallery Box (Athens)
February,2018: ''Selfimages'' , participation with ''Family Frames'' project , Museum of Photography (Thessaloniki)
September,2020: ''Stalk Me'', Photometria International Photography Festival (Ioannina)
October,2020: ''Balkans Today'' ,participation with Southern Province project,Balkan Can Kino (Athens).
Solo Exhibitions:
January,2021: ''Family Frames'' at, Space Place Gallery (Nizhny Tagil,Russia)
June 2021 : ''Pregnant Pauses'' at International Photoszene Festival (Cologne,Germany)
September 2021:''Pregnant Pauses'' at International Photometria Festival (Ioannina,Greece) (Upcoming)