The comedy short series THE ESTRA GEN SHOW has produced 3 Wins, 3 Finalist awards and 5 Semi-finalist awards in international film festivals. These comedy shorts include THE FISH WHISPERER, LIVING IN DENIAL, and NO SEX FOR VEGETARIANS.
2 children’s animations she co-wrote and directed, A TALE OF 2 ICEBERGS Episodes 1 & 2 were featured in the 10 American Cities Film Festival produced by IN THE LOOP along with THE KIDSFIRST! FILM FESTIVAL .
THE TALE OF 2 ICEBERGS and LIVING IN DENIAL have been streamed on an American channel THE PLANET CLASSROOM.
The comedy shorts series SINFUL SAM Episodes 1 - 6
Featured on the international comedy site FUNNY OR DIE
Full length plays produced in Vancouver, B.C.