Baofahu (The Evicted Millionaires)
The story unfolds around a young man, A, who lives and owns a firework store in the urban village. Due to forced eviction, he has to leave the urban village for good—compensation offered by the government—or bad—the uncertainty of his job and living. Through long-term internal struggle, he decides to set off all the unsalable fireworks, which allows him to destroy his livelihood before the police do so. However, this process seems different from the perspective of a student, a customer of A. When A is struggling in pain and confusion, the student envies that he can "reap without sowing" and pleasantly enjoys a daylight firework show.
Yufei XiaoDirector
Yufei XiaoWriter
Yufei XiaoProducer
Zhihua XiaoKey Cast"A"
Sydney WuKey Cast
Yufei XiaoKey Cast
Project Title (Original Language):爆发户
Project Type:Animation, Experimental, Short, Student
Runtime:4 minutes 25 seconds
Completion Date:December 6, 2019
Production Budget:2,000 USD
Country of Origin:China
Country of Filming:China, United States
Language:Chinese, English
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Black & White and Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes