Call Of The Day
21st of March, 2013, was the date pointing a historic crossroads and a milestone on Kurdish issue. There were actively peace talks between the leader of the PKK Abdullah Öcalan and Turkish Government, holding an announce from Öcalan: "Shut the arms down and let the political period begin".
PKK had started taking its armed forces out of Turkish borders and quite a lot of guerilla teams were moving abroad out of Turkey. But due to several disputes, few guerilla teams remained on the mountains of Dersim.
Our movie begins by holding the hope of ending a 100-year-long war and uprisings, with a peace.
The curiosity was mostly based on, among the three seasons of the Mountain, the contact of Women Guerillas with nature, their fears and their reasons for "climbing out to mountains".
Some of them were just beginners, few of them were on the mountains for 25 years; each of them carrying an another memory and story of their own, filled with pains, joy, fun and tragicomic enthusiasm. While their story is told in a row lined up like links in a chain, story of the Kurds was being created in audience's imagination; which is, at the same time, the answer of why they are "there".
Kizildag CemilDirector
Hamdi AkyolDirector
Cemil KizildagWriter
Hamdi AkyolWriter
Hamdi AkyolKey Cast
Cemil KizildagKey Cast
Kizildag CemilProducer
Hamdi AkyolProducer
Project Type:Documentary, Feature
Runtime:1 hour 30 minutes 5 seconds
Completion Date:January 8, 2016
Production Budget:40,000 USD
Country of Origin:Turkey
Country of Filming:Turkey
Language:Kurdish, Turkish
Shooting Format:HD
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Filmamed Documentary Film Festival 2016Diyarbakir
May 24, 2016
Kurdistan premiere
Filmamed Documentary Film Festival The Best Film -
Filmamed Documentary Film Festival 2016Diyarbakir
May 24, 2016
Kurdistan premiere
Filmamed Documentary Film Festival The Best Film -
August 2, 2016
1981. In 2000 i went on a privatecourseto do photographyandcameratraining. Invariousmagazines i didphotojournalismandphotography. In 2002 i worked at Dicle newsagencydoingphotojournalismandalsoworking as a cameraman. In 2004 i carried on working as a cameraman at Gelincik productions.I havesharedmyexperience in variousfieldssuch as cinemadays, Mesopotamianculturecentre, cinemaworkshopimagedirecting, theuse of lights at thecinemaandalsotheuse of cameras, thatareorganisedbytheDiyarbakirmetropolitan.
2012-THE FALL FROM HEAVEN (CENNETEN KOVULMAK) Ferit Karahan Cinematographer Cemil Kızıldağ
2011-TMMOB CORPORATE HISTORY (TMMOB Kurumsal Tarihi ) Özcan AlperCamera&light
2011-TEOMAN ÖZTÜRK BİYOGRAFİ (biography) Özcan Alper
2007- ELDEN ELLE Ozan Turgut Jointdirector-Cinemaphotographer
ShortFilm (camera&Cinematographer)
2012-PEPUK Özkan Küçük 12minuteCinematographer
2011-ASE Abdullah Oğuz 9minuteCinematographer
2014-SOLA SOR RoOğuz 11minuteCinematographer
2013-GENERAL Yücel Yavuz 13minuteCinematographer
2011-GELİNCİK Hale İşsever Editing&Colorcorrection
The idea of the movie, Banga Roj came to me when I learned that PKK guerrillas will retreat from the battle out of Öcalan’s call in the Newroz Festival. It is because I wanted to witness that process and record the last guerrillas of a battle which is about to end. I thought this hope of ending a hundred years of war and rebellions through the peace process deserved to be a documentary.
We were both excited and worried by the idea of shooting this journey of 900 km of bird’s eye view and about 3000 km on foot which would start in Blacksea region and end in Kandil, during which tens of cities, hundreds of villages, probably hundreds of mountains, hills and rivers will be passed through. We will try to shoot the journey itself as plain as possible focusing on certain characters. We were not able to reach first three groups of guerrillas who set off from Dersim due to the difficulties of communication and preparations which took much longer. When we made contact with the guerrillas and arrived at the mountains where they deployed, the retreat process became in abeyance. As a result of the outbreak of political conflicts and reciprocal accusations, it was settled that the last group of guerrillas would stay in Dersim. Our story began at that point.
Expecting a shooting period of three seasons, we started shooting the documentary on 21st of July, 2013 in Dersim. It lasted around a year with intervals.
We panned our cameras to the daily lives and personal narratives of the guerrillas living in the mountains. Some of them recently joined while some others had been there for 25 years. Seeking for an answer to the question why they chose to join the guerrilla forces, we started shooting how they could survive in nature, what they eat and drink and how they lead their daily lives. Especially, we were interested in the difficulties of the women guerrillas, their efforts to cope with the nature and we were particularly curious about how they overcame their fears.
Dersim with it's magnificent mountains, valleys, unique view of nature has giving us a mind blowing opportunities. When we had a chance to show beautiful nature of Dersim in the movie, we tried to see it with the eyes of freedom fighters. Banga Roj become a documentary of mother nature on the objection of freedom fighters moving back. We are planing to present The long chat between guerrillas about the regions mythology, history, traditions, Dersim holocaust in the movie for viewers to have an idea about the region.
In this documentary we were determined to not to do any propaganda, shooting of fighters life as it is without any story bending or direct it in any route.
While I was spending my time with the fighters I realized, that there was completely a different picture behind the government has shown to the people. I decided not to add or remove anything from what I have seen and let the world see it. The state knew its enemy but they didn't want the society to know. I want society to know these people as they see them enemy and they should see the bigger picture and see the real enemy!
Director Cemil Kızıldağ