Balcony, Pursued By A Cricket
Romeo and Juliet, Act 2 Scene 2: but with a bug. Composed of repurposed footage from multiple movie adaptations of Shakespeare's play , The film utilizes the audio of a single chirping cricket: metered out in Iambic Pentameter to coincide with Shakespeare’s text.
Troy TedeschiDirector
Project Type:Experimental, Short
Runtime:5 minutes 30 seconds
Completion Date:December 9, 2024
Production Budget:15 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Digital
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes - Rochester Institute of Technology
R.I.T. School of Film and Animation ScreeningsRochester
United States
December 14, 2024
Troy Tedeschi is a current graduate student at the Rochester Institute of Technology School of Film and Animation pursuing his MFA in film production. Prior to R.I.T. Troy studied theatre production and worked for 4 years in Stage Management in his home state of New Hampshire and at sea with MSC Cruises.
Now studying the unique perspectives film can explore, Troy is driven create art that blurs the line between silly and serious, the smart and the stupid.
His other works; Thank You, Fifteen!, Evenly Matched, and now Balcony, Pursued By a Cricket, explore this balance and harken back to his love of theatre and the stage. By making art out of our passions, people will be passionate about our art.
Over the summer, while watching a live performance of Legally Blonde, The Musical, the only dramatic scene in the otherwise unremarkable performance, a single cricket in the theatre decided to start chirping. Singing his little heart away for all to hear. Cricket’s sing, yet we find them annoying and a metaphor for bad entertainment. What happens when it’s their performance we are watching?
This was the idea at first; however it soon evolved into something different. Cricket aren’t the only creatures who sing unwanted love-songs. Men do this in life and literature. Romeo; the famous hopeless romantic became the perfect role for our little locust lover. Juliet was just minding her own business on her balcony.
Balcony, Pursued By a Cricket changes how we view this scene. Romeo still wants Juliet’s affection, but Juliet just wants Romeo to shut the hell up.