A solid book club is rooted with those who challenge one another in vibrant discourse... or in finding The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck sealed inside a Ziplock inside the toilet of a drunk tank. Over a wine and cheese hour at a B&B in the Outer Banks, 3 women discuss spas, dildos, & the circumstances under which their new book club was founded. Everyone may not have read the toilet literature, but when self-help arrives in an unexpected way, who gives an actual fuck?
Rachel KeownWriterService Animals
Project Type:Stage Play
Genres:comedy, satire, female comedy, political satire
Number of Pages:61
First-time Screenwriter:No
Student Project:No
I am a Missouri-raised, Michigan-based playwright, screenwriter, and actor. In 2008, I graduated from UNCSA School of Filmmaking. I have Bipolar 1; though that doesn't define me, it influences my work at times. Stylistically, I love a good, prose-like action line to world-build. However, I prefer a minimalist approach with action lines during dialogue-driven scenes as a screenwriter and especially as a playwright -- directing actors is not my job. Accomplishments include a 2019 residency at the MITTEN Lab, a 2024 grant from the Ann Arbor Creative Foundation, funding from The Dramatists Guild Foundation, and one of five artists in residence for playwriting/screenwriting at the Ragdale Residency Program for 2025. My most popular one-act, BOOK'D, was published with Ghost Light Publications, and licensed for worldwide IP distribution through TinyScripted. Additionally, Smith & Kraus will include a monologue excerpt from this play in “Women’s Best Stage Monologues 2025” anthology.