The BLACK GIRL KHRONICLES’ mission is to take
“Black Girl Magic Worldwide” while curating a space for these women to join at an international table to share their KHRONICLES of Being Black Women.
An uncommercialized narrative captured via a film docuseries, designed to highlight the formation of sisterhood, the experience of cultured travel in global communities; while hearing HERstory and how the curated BGK travel itinerary has shaped her perspective on life.
This docuseries is in it’s founding grass roots of revolutionizing storytelling, from a voice and perspective that has become diluted in the dictatorship of mainstream television, and the worldwide web.
Kalila IngramDirector
Jahmel A. HoldenDirector
Kalila IngramProducer
Dana StricklandKey Cast
Taylor GrantKey Cast
Rugie BhonophaKey Cast
Shantelle BrumfieldKey Cast
Janae PerryKey Cast
Camille HendersonKey Cast
Mondraian HazureKey Cast
Nerissa SharfnerKey Cast
Ibiye CampKey Cast
Kalila IngramKey Cast
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:1 hour 23 minutes 57 seconds
Completion Date:August 22, 2018
Production Budget:8,000 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:France
Shooting Format:Digital 1920x1080
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No