Coming of age of the circumcision ceremony in rural Bangladesh, 7-year-old Topu faces the horror of not being able to decide faith for himself. Running away from the ceremony, Topu is captured and lectured by his uncle and taken back against his own will. The trust in his immediate family is suddenly broken.
Masud AkhondDirectorSlave Queen, Pita
Masud AkhondWriterSlave Queen, Pita
Nicklas KarpatyProducer
Nicklas Karpaty, FSFCinematographerThe Queen and I, Molanders, Black Lake S2, Ängelby, Among Stars
Lars JamesonSound
Safayet MorolKey Cast"Topu"
Nicklas EstbergEditor
Sveinung NygaardComposer
Martin MighettoSound design
Patrik StrömdahlSound design
Sebastian GuestColorist
Project Type:Short
Runtime:4 minutes 30 seconds
Completion Date:August 1, 2021
Production Budget:1,000 USD
Country of Origin:Sweden
Country of Filming:Bangladesh
Shooting Format:Digital, Panasonic EVA1
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Distribution Information
Nordic Light Cinematography ABSales AgentCountry: SwedenRights: All Rights
Since 2008, Masud Akhond has been directing, writing, and producing TV dramas, documentaries, and feature films. His first feature film “Pita” (the father) won the national award for best music and best actor. He also won the Jury Prize from San Francisco International Short Film Festival in 2013 for his documentary Slave Queen.
Belief is a very personal story of my childhood. I have experienced that belief is something adults implement on children through rituals. With this film I want viewers to feel my feelings as I went through one of these rituals.