"Behind the Seams" is a fictional documentary set in a near-future dystopia where humanity's obsession with fast fashion has spiraled out of control. The film follows Li Mingze, a 54-year-old former textile worker from Guilin, China, who narrates the devastating environmental and social consequences of the mass production and overconsumption of clothing. Through powerful visuals of garment-filled wastelands and eerily deserted factories, the documentary explores themes of unsustainable practices, corporate greed, and the irreversible damage caused by unchecked consumerism. The film serves as a poignant warning about the future we are creating and a call to action for more responsible fashion consumption.
Gianluca TrainaWriter
Project Type:Documentary, Experimental, Short, Other
Runtime:10 minutes 30 seconds
Completion Date:September 29, 2024
Production Budget:250 EUR
Country of Origin:Italy
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Gianluca Traina, born in Palermo in 1984, is an Italian artist and designer known for blending art, fashion, and technology. After studying Fashion Design at Polimoda in Florence, he expanded his artistic education at the Academy of Fine Arts in Palermo and won significant awards, including the first prize at the Asia Awards 2013 in Tokyo.
His work "PORTRAIT 360" combines photography and weaving to explore human identity. Traina has distinguished himself through his innovative use of artificial intelligence in fashion and visual arts, merging traditional and digital design techniques. Continually experimenting with techniques like 3D printing and generative art, he explores the interaction between humans, art, and technology.