At the crossroads/На розпутті
The most important thing for a youngster who is looking for the place in life is the support. Sometimes the closest people are the biggest egoists on the planet and society only hammers in the last nail into youngsters dreams. According to this, we live not the life we want, we cry and we’re lost. But its never too late to change it all.
Найважливіше для молодих людей, які шукають свій шлях у житті - це підтримка. Часом найближчі нам люди виявляються найбільшими егоїстами, а соціум лише вбиває останній цвях. В результаті, ми роками блукаємо, живемо чужим життям, залишаючись нещасними та втрачаючи найцінніший ресурс, який у нас є - час. Але ніколи не пізно все змінити.
Yevhen RodeDirector
Yevhen RodeWriter
Yana KonotopovaKey Cast"Varvara"
Tatyana KozyrKey Cast"Mother"
Yaroslav PischulinKey Cast"Dmytro"
Pavlo VlasenkoKey Cast"Yevhen"
Pavlo AndrienkoKey Cast"Father"
Ihor PravykDirector of photography
Pavlo LykhotaCamera
Maksym BaranovSound
Serhiy PulymGaffer
Project Title (Original Language):На розпутті
Project Type:Feature, Short
Runtime:24 minutes 11 seconds
Completion Date:January 15, 2019
Country of Origin:Ukraine
Country of Filming:Ukraine
Shooting Format:Digital, Arri
Aspect Ratio:2:35:1
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
The first film by Yevhen Rode named "The Pause" was released in September 2017. Short film took part in two film festivals - "Short to the point"(Bucharest, Romania) and "Cinemaway"(Lviv, Ukraine). The second film by Yevhen Rode named "What happened?" was released after 8 month. Short film took part in "Los Angeles CineFest" - Semi final in USA and was selected for "Rome Elephant Film Awards" March Edition in Italy.
The third director's short film was released in January of 2019, named "At the crossroads".