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Asphalt Adonis

Asphalt Adonis
Der Papiermaler und die Stoffpuppe
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Das kurze mobile Indie Musical. Experimenteller handgezeichneter Monochromfilm in deutschsprachiger Poesie, das Rezital mit kleinem Orchester, Trio.
Guliz Mutlu

Die Zeichnungen werden hinter dem Papiermaler auf nassen Asphalt geworfen, die Stoffpuppe sammelt die Zeichnungen ein, dann rezitiert die Stoffpuppe ihre Gedichte an ihre verlorene Liebe, an den Papiermaler, Adonis. Die Zeichnungen sind mit der Stoffpuppe auf nassem Asphalt, aber der Papiermaler ist weg. Der kurze Musikfilm in deutscher Sprache handelt von verlorener und unmöglicher Liebe, einem traurigen Trennungsmärchen. Der Film zeigt einen einzigartigen, samtig sanften und romantischen Gesang der Stoffpuppe, begleitet vom kleinen Orchestertrio. Der Film ist voller Liebesgeschichten zwischen dem Papiermaler und der Stoffpuppe, acht Erinnerungen. Traurig, melancholisch, hypnotisch, sanft, hoffnungsvoll und sanft auf die Zeichnungen.

Während wir auf den Film warten, tauchen wir in die Stimmung des Films ein. Der Trailer feiert einen besonderen Tag, die Geburtstagsfeier, bei der der Papiermaler und die genähte Stoffpuppe geschenkt wurden. Der Trailer lädt uns in das märchenhafte und emotionale Universum des Films ein.

Asphalt Adonis
The Paper-Painter and The Ragdoll
Don't Step on Art!
The short mobile indie musical. Experimental hand-drawn monochrome film in German-language poetry, the recital with a small orchestra, trio.
Guliz Mutlu

The drawings are thrown onto wet asphalt after the paper-painter, the ragdoll collects the drawings, then the ragdoll recites her poems to her lost love, to the paper-painter, Adonis. The drawings are on wet asphalt with the ragdoll, but the paper-painter gone. The short musical film in German language is about lost and impossible love, a sad fairy tale of separation. The film features a unique, velvety gentle and romantic vocal of the ragdoll, accompanied by the small orchestral trio. The film is full of love stories between the paper-painter and the ragdoll, eight memories. Sad, melancholic, hypnotic, mellow, hopeful and softly replies to the drawings.

Waiting for the film, we are entering into the mood of the film. The trailer celebrating a special day, the birthday party where the paper-painter and the sewn ragdoll gifted. The trailer invites us into the film's fairy and emotional universe.

Why Asphalt Adonis worth seeing?
1. Pushing Boundaries and Challenging Conventions:

Indie & Experimental: This immediately signals a departure from mainstream cinema. It suggests a willingness to explore unconventional narrative structures, visual styles, and emotional depths. It’s a move away from predictable plotlines and towards a more personal, auteur-driven experience.
Hand-drawn Animation: In an age dominated by CGI and polished visuals, hand-drawn animation offers a raw, tactile, and deeply human quality. It brings an inherent vulnerability and imperfection that resonates with the film's possibly raw and emotional theme of love. It is a deliberate choice that sets it apart and allows for a more intimate connection with the audience.
Monochrome: The absence of color pushes the focus onto form, light, and shadow. It also creates a timeless, nostalgic feel, potentially mirroring the timeless nature of love itself, and allows for a more abstract and evocative visual experience.
German Poetry Recital: This choice elevates the film beyond a simple narrative. It introduces a layer of intellectual and cultural depth. German poetry, often associated with philosophical contemplation and intense emotions, adds a particular gravity and complexity to the exploration of love. The use of a different language also creates a sense of otherness and invites the audience to engage with the film on a deeper, more intuitive level.

2. A Raw and Intimate Exploration of Love:

Thematic Focus on Love: The universal theme of love, when explored through such a unique lens, promises a fresh and nuanced perspective. It likely moves beyond simple romance to delve into the complexities, vulnerabilities, and contradictions of love.
Juxtaposition of Elements: The unconventional combination of animation, poetry, and music creates a unique emotional landscape. The film likely eschews traditional storytelling for an experience that relies more on mood, feeling, and symbolism. This allows for a more abstract and potentially more profound exploration of the subject matter.
Vulnerability: The hand-drawn animation, combined with the emotional weight of the poetry and live music, creates a sense of vulnerability and intimacy. This allows the film to connect with the audience on a deeper, more personal level.

  • Guliz Mutlu
  • Guliz Mutlu
  • Guliz Mutlu
  • Guliz Mutlu
    Key Cast
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    Asphalt Adonis
  • Project Type:
    Animation, Experimental, Feature, Music Video, Short, Television, Web / New Media, Other
  • Runtime:
    19 minutes
  • Completion Date:
    December 7, 2024
  • Production Budget:
    0 USD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
    German, No Dialogue
  • Shooting Format:
    DigitalPhone Samsung Galaxy A15
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
    Black & White
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • Athens International Monthly Art Film Festival, Best Editing, Honorable Mention. Greece, Athens, December, 2024. Alien Decalogue of Protagoras
  • Inno Vision Film Festival, Best Music Video, Milano, Italia, 2024. Music Box
  • Lift-Off Filmmaker Sessions Hosted by @LiftOffGlobalNetwork Hamlet
  • Berlin Indie Short Film Festival, Best Mobile Short Film, December, 2024. Alien Decalogue of Protagoras
  • Barcelona Film Experience, Best Mobile Short Film, Spain, 2024. Hedonist
  • Mannheim Arts and Film Festival, Honorable Mention, Germany. Decalogue Ten Visual Poems
  • short-filmz, Asphalt Adonis, semi finalist, 2025.
  • Paradise Film Festival, Cologne, Germany, Official Selection, Asphalt Adonis, 2025.
Director Biography - Guliz Mutlu

Name, Surname: Guliz Mutlu
Birth Date: 24 July, 1978
Location: Ankara, Turkey
Web Page: https://youtube.com/@gulizmutlufineartportfolio
Main Branch : Poetry, Music, Film, Drawing

Postdoctoral Degree from the University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 2009. (Tenebrism in Fine Art, Tremendism in Romantic Poetry)

Poetry Book: Guliz Mutlu, Les Paroles Saphiques, Editions Apopsix, France, 2011.
Awards: Prix Renée Vivien, Grand Prix de l'écriture poétique francophone, Prix Jean Aicard, Prix Sauvons la Luzerne, Nosside UNESCO World Poetry Prize...

1981. İstanbul, Golden Palette Competition, Talent Award.

International Art Exhibitions & Awards in 2022 which took part with artwork mostly in USA, United Kingdom, Canada, Italy.

11th All Women Art Awards and Exhibition, Excellence in Art on Photography, Florida, US.
13th Abstracts Art Competition and Exhibition, Excellence in Art on Painting, Florida, US.
21st Women's Day Exhibition, Canada.
Light & Shade Art Prize and Exhibition, Los Angeles, California, US.
Boomer Gallery's Icon Show,, Exhibition, London, U.K.
12th Figurative Art Awards and Exhibition, Excellence in Art on Photography, Florida, US.
5th Abstract Art Prize and Exhibition of International Art Show, Los Angeles, California, US.
4th Portrait Art Prize and Exhibition of International Art Show, Los Angeles, California, US.
6th Abstract Art Competition and Exhibition, Talent Prize, International Art Show Gallery, California, US.
4th Annual Lines Shapes & Objects Art Competition and Exhibition, Talent Prize, Fusion Art, Santa Fe, US.
Lab Malagemi, Venice'22, Italy.
8th Annual Leaves & Petals Art Exhibition, Santa Fe, US.

International Art Journals and Reviews in 2022 which took part with artworks on cover art and interior art in USA

Streetlight Magazine, Lavender Review, Penumbra! Literature and Art Journal, Cold Mountain Review, Apricity Magazine, Millennial Pulp Literary Journal, Scapegoat Review, Red Ogre Review, Gigantic Sequins, AROHO Foundation, Straylight Magazine, LandLocked Journal, Gone Lawn LiteraryJournal (Cover Art), MAYDAY Magazine, Your Impossible Voice (Cover Art), The Madison Review, Spry Literary Journal, Phoebe: A Journal of Literature and Art (Cover Art and interior art), Arkana Journal, VoiceCatcher: A Journal of Female Voices & Vision, Primeval Monster Zine, The Closed Eye Open, The Courtship of Winds, Zoetic Press, Poor Yorick (Cover Art), Scapegoat Review, ARTWIFE, Ariel Publishing, Zoetic Press, Press Pause.

International Film Festivals which took part with her hand-drawn animations in 2022

Elokuvakuu, Finland.
Icona, Greece.
9/16 Vertical Italy
Black Cat USA
Cairo Animation Forum Egypt
Princeton University Students Choice, Honor Award, USA 2023.
Lift Off Global Sessions

International Film Festivals which I took part with my hand-drawn films in 2024
Lift-Off Global Sessions UK. John Keats, Bright Star
Very Short Films Festival, Cairo, Egypt. The Ophthalmologist
Inno Vision International Film Festival Milano Italy, Best Music Award. Snow Globe
Athens International Monthly Art Film Festival, Best Editing, Honorable Mention, December 2024. Alien Decalogue of Protagoras
Berlin Indie Film Festival, Best Mobile Short Film Award, 11 24, Germany. Alien Decalogue of Protagoras
Barcelona Film Experience, Best Mobile Short Film Screening, Spain, 2024. Hedonist
Mannheim Arts and Film Festival, Germany,
Honorable Mention, 2025.. Decalogue
short-filmz, Asphalt Adonis, Semi Finalist, 2025.

Add Director Biography
Director Statement

Hand-drawn film, despite being a labor-intensive and time-consuming art form, holds immense importance for its unique capacity to evoke a sense of warmth, intimacy, and handcrafted charm that digital animation often struggles to replicate. The subtle imperfections and fluidity of line work, the tangible textures, and the visible presence of the artist's hand create a more emotionally resonant experience for the viewer, fostering a deeper connection with the characters and narrative. This intimate quality transcends simple entertainment, allowing for exploration of more nuanced and complex themes with a raw and often poetic visual language.