A short film about Love
There were these two fallen leaves, the brutish yellow one and the coy brown one. I was returning from Pedernales Falls State Park when I chanced to look at this one small pool of water, one among thousands of small pools created on the limestone by years of water erosion 🍂
Became witness to this cosmic dance, of loneliness, attraction, wooing and rejection, followed by a return to life, all of it, thanks to the wind, the ripples and the hands of a supreme artist, who doesn’t care for an audience but keeps creating this endless saga of love and pain, courage and hope, betrayal and fulfilment that we call life. It was, as if a miniature of our own tales 🍁
Added the beautiful waltz called "Love Waltz" by Nikos Spiliotis to the 1.6 minute unedited movie. Named it “A short film about Love” after the 1988 Krzysztof Kieślowski movie that I had the chance of watching in a Kolkata Film festival, some thirty years back 🐦
Nikos SpiliotisDirector
Project Type:Other
Genres:Nature, drama
Runtime:1 minute 51 seconds
Completion Date:November 28, 2022
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:12:7
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Distribution Information