Ascoltati is a comedy that wants to deal with the issues of human relationships, wants to play with people's destiny and fragility, friendship and pain mix together, but, in this time emotions are the winner. Look closely at the love between two people who never spoke to each other, The world seen by those who, like many others, have lost someone, The relationship between fathers and children raised in different families, but with the same problems. The film is shot on modern time in Bologna, which is experiencing its greatest change, thus beginning to go against hand through crisis and globalization. Andrea, the protagonist, depressed and of few words, shaken by his destiny, begins a journey that will cross the city, a profound search for himself, of the right frequency. The Character has a great regret, that of never having confided in his mother, he loved her very much, but he never had the courage to speak to him in the eyes, now he would like to go back. On his way he meets other protagonists, who will go through some of the most complicated changes in their life, trying never to lose their poetic gaze, which makes them so special, also because it takes courage to feel the pain. A dialogue begins with Leonardo, his childhood friend, a psychologist, questions and answers will allow Andrea not to be held back by fear and custom, but to find the courage to resolve by recreating himself.
Andrea RecchiaDirectorLa Vita di Pal
Andrea RecchiaWriter
Andrea RecchiaProducer
Lorenzo BoessoKey Cast"Andrea"
Martina SacchettiKey Cast"Francesca"pizza boy, Un Quarto alle Otto
Il RapsodicoKey Cast"Leonardo"
Sara RighiKey Cast"Elena"
Ettore PancaldiKey Cast"Giustino"L'ispettore Coliandro
Marialuisa RavendaKey Cast"Francesca"L'ispettore Coliandro
Pasquale FaracoKey Cast"Gennarino"
Patrizia StrazzariKey Cast"Ludmilla"
Paolo SchenaKey Cast"Don Ibedo"
Andrea BaldazziKey Cast"Il Poertiere"
Giovanni MazzaKey Cast"Oste"
Dragan MiladinovicKey Cast"Cliente Osteria"
Aldo IaniKey Cast"Umberto Maria"
Project Title (Original Language):Ascoltati
Project Type:Feature
Runtime:1 hour 30 minutes 5 seconds
Completion Date:February 23, 2020
Production Budget:10,000 EUR
Country of Origin:Italy
Country of Filming:Italy
Shooting Format:Digital 35mm
Aspect Ratio:2.39:1
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Florence Film AwardsFirenze
April 18, 2020
Best Feature Film with Honorable mention -
Flicks Film Festival
United Kingdom
ALTFF Festivaltoronto
BEST ACTRESS Martina Sacchetti
Andrea Recchia nato a Bologna nel 1972,
Residente nella città Felsinea dove a terminato gli studi tecnici come Perito elettronico,
Dipendente del Corpo Nazionale Vigili del Fuoco con Compiti relativi alle
Telecomunicazioni di emergenza.
Produttore musicale sin dai tempi delle scuole, coltiva e sviluppa una spiccata e personale passione per la macchina da presa realizzando Videoclip musicali:
Schena “Meglio così”, Iberlino “Urban”, Nodo scorsese “Walking”.
Registra l’audio dei docufilm:
“Vai Col Liscio” Produzione Sky Arte con Ivano Marescotti,
“Rotte Indipendenti” Produzione Sky Arte,
“68 Pop Revolution” Produzione Sky Arte con Giorgio Comaschi,
“Alla Ricerca del Suono” Produzione Sky Arte.
Ha iniziato la sua carriera come autore e regista con il cortometraggio “Polvere” ,il Documentario “L’arte del riposo”,
Realizza il suo primo mediometraggio per MyokiFilm nel 2018 con “La Vita di Pal”,
Nel 2019 scrive e dirige il lungometraggio “Ascoltati”.
Andrea Recchia Born in Bologna (Italy) 1972,
Lives in Bologna were he gradued into electronics, employee at Fire Fighters Corp with tasks related to emergency telecommunications.
Music producer since High school, he cultivates and develops a strong and personal passion for the camera by making music video clips:
Schena “Meglio così”, Iberlino “Urban”, Nodo scorsese “Walking”
Audio Productions:
“Vai Col Liscio” Sky Arte Production with Ivano Marescotti,
“Rotte Indipendenti” Sky Arte Production,
“68 Pop Revolution” with Giorgio Comaschi, Sky Arte Production,
“Alla Ricerca del Suono” Sky Arte Production.
He began his career as author and director with the short film "Polvere" and the doc-film “L’arte del riposo”,
The first movie is "La Vita di Pal" produced by MyokiFilm on 2018.
In 2019 he wrote and directed the feature film “Ascoltati”.