I am an Indian Independent filmmaker Arun Siddarth. I want my films to make people introspect. My debut film Caged received critical acclaim in several international film festivals. While Caged spoke about the struggles of a Sri Lankan refugee, my second project Pride explores the love between two men and their acceptance in society.
I approach subjects that matter the most to me and those that have an impact on me. In the process, I go deeper into the story to understand the intensity which I intend to recreate on screen. I consider my filmmaking process therapeutic which helps me to learn and unlearn existing and newer concepts.
Be it my soundscape film Pride or Caged, I try to bring in surrealism in the setup and art direction. I want my characters to breathe life in the ideal world that I create for them. Through my characters, I want to create a fantasy world in which they are still rooted in realism.
One thing that I love incorporating in my films is repeating shots/events at different time intervals.
I have two editors to work on my films. One of my editors know the story and I intentionally do not reveal the story to the other one. On the edit table, every time a new story is born. There is so much scope to hone a script on the edit table and hence I would like to work with two editors.