Experiencing Interruptions?

Artifice of Conscience

Complaint for the complicated world of women, which often results in violence against women. Throughout the world, including the "first world", women never have equal rights and the law, often blind and absurd, favors their death. This wants be a scream, so that everyone hear and becomes sensitize for this thorny issue… Just so, humanity can be free… really free

  • Pino Pullella
  • Pino Pullella
  • Pino Pullella
  • Maria Giglia
    Key Cast
    "Woman - Humanity in the monologue"
  • Claudio Di Blasi
    Key Cast
  • Emma Scaffidi
    Key Cast
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    6 minutes 44 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    April 6, 2019
  • Production Budget:
    1,000 EUR
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • International Madrid Film Festival
    August 17, 2019
    Best Editing of a Short Film
Director Biography - Pino Pullella

Pino Pullella -Siracusa 27/06/73- Electronic Engineer by profession. After the 'University he dedicated himself to robotics and the development of Degaussing and Deperming for naval units of the Italian Navy.

Dissatisfied of city life, in 2005 he moved to Castell'Umberto, a little town of Sicily, devoted to photovoltaics that develops throughout the peninsula. In 2008 He wrote "TEOREMA DEL PENSIERO AUREO" Armenio Publisher. The following year, thanks to a radio collaboration, discovered the beauty of the "Sicilian language."

On that occasion, he met Franco Brancatelli, Nebrodi songwriter and listening to "Cosa Tinta", he created, in 2011, the self-titled music video clips that wins the "Taormina Film Festival". In the same vein, with songs Brancatelli born "Con Gli occhi di Mario", short set to music in 2014, he won the third priz of the first Film Festival of the city of Turin "Per corti di vita."

In June of 2016 he public the first romance: "Xabaras, il vigneto del diavolo" - Armenio Publisher, and ongoing works at the film script "Ribelli" historic films on Castell’Umberto's tale about a tyrant that exercised the law of Jus primae noctis.


Pino Pullella -Siracusa 27/06/73
Profesión: Ingeniero electrónico.
Después de la Universidad, se dedicó a la robótica y al desarrollo de la desmagnetización para los buques de la armada italiana.
Insatisfecho con la vida de la ciudad, en 2005 se mudó a Castell'Umberto, un pequeño pueblo de Sicilia, y se dedica a la energía fotovoltaica por toda la península. En 2008 escribió "TEOREMA DEL PENSIERO AUREO " (Teorema del pensamiento de oro), de la editorial Armenio. Al año siguiente, gracias a una colaboración de radio, descubrió la belleza de la "lengua siciliana".

En ese momento, conoció al compositor de Nebrodi, Franco Brancatelli y, al escuchar "Cosa Tinta" creó, en 2011, los videoclips homónimos que ganaron el "Festival de Cine de Taormina". Del mismo modo, con las canciones de Brancatelli "Con Gli occhi di Mario", creó, en 2014, un corto de música que ganó el tercer premio del primer Festival de Cine de la ciudad de Turín "Per corti di vita".

En junio de 2016, publicó la primera novela: "Xabaras, il vigneto del diavolo" (Xabaras, el viñedo del diablo) de la editorial Armenio. Paralelamente trabaja en el guión de "Ribelli", una película histórica sobre el cuento de Castell'Umberto sobre un tirano que ejerció la ley Jus primae noctis (el derecho de la primera noche).

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Director Statement

Le emozioni represse uccidono lentamente.


Repressed emotions kill slowly.


Las emociones reprimidas matan lentamente.