Art for Well-Being
This film presents a project "Menas žmogaus gerovei", which was implemented in hospitals of Vilnius, Kaunas and Panevėžys (Lithuania). The project brings together the topics of access to arts and the medical staff well-being at work.
Simona KarpavičiūtėDirector
Eglė GudonytėDirector
Simona KarpavičiūtėWriter
Ieva PetkutėWriter
Eglė GudonytėOperator / Editor
Project Title (Original Language):Menas žmogaus gerovei
Project Type:Documentary, Short
Runtime:7 minutes 23 seconds
Completion Date:June 19, 2017
Production Budget:1,000 EUR
Country of Origin:Lithuania
Country of Filming:Lithuania
Shooting Format:Digital.
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Dr Simona Karpavičiūtė is Arts for Health researcher and creative thinker at NGO “Socialiniai meno projektai”. Simona’s subjects of professional interest include: arts as a tool for health promotion and prevention; the impact of arts activity/creativity on well-being, mental health and community building; arts for health and social change; access to culture for vulnerable groups; cross-sectorial collaboration in in research practice/health and social care services quality improvement; occupational well-being with the main focus on the healthcare staff well-being at work; patient safety and quality of care; healthcare workforce development/humanities in medical education to promote patient centred care; creative research methodologies and practice.
Egle Gudonyte - performance and video artist.