Experiencing Interruptions?

Are You a Carrot?

The happy yellow duckling goes swimming around the pond looking for something to eat, and sees one of it's favorite foods: A carrot! But something about this carrot doesn't look right.

Two major life-events conspired to create Are You a Carrot?: The birth of my beautiful baby girl, and getting laid-off very unexpectedly. One might think losing your job right when you have a newborn an incredibly bad stroke of luck, and I can confirm that it is very troubling. But on the bright side I got to spend a lot more time with my baby, and make a little animation for her.

Are You a Carrot? is a fun look at perspective, with cute characters and a simple premise that promises to buy parents a few moments of peace.

  • Justin Pixler
  • Justin Pixler
    Key Cast
  • Project Type:
    Animation, Short
  • Runtime:
    3 minutes
  • Completion Date:
    December 19, 2018
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director - Justin Pixler