Anything To Say - #freedomofpress
In September 2020, the artwork 'Anything To Say' by the Italian artist Davide Dormino was positioned at the Lünersee dam. The case surrounding Julian Assange confuses and frightens the international media landscape and its representatives of press freedom. We have accompanied the production during the pandemic and are proud to present the result in this way.
Philipp HerburgerDirectorDirector, Editior
Andreas RambachDirector of Photography
Lukas WagnerWriterWriter
Philipp HerburgerProducer
Lukas WagnerProduction Assistent
Nicole MossbruggerProduction Assistent
Lucas TiefenthalerStill Photographer
Andreas GehererKameraDrone
Andreas RambachKamera
Philipp HerburgerKamera
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:11 minutes 14 seconds
Completion Date:April 20, 2021
Production Budget:6,500 USD
Country of Filming:Austria
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:09
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes - Borg Schoren
Distribution Information
Youtube, FacebookDistributorCountry: WorldwideRights: Video on Demand