Anita Kareem , Pakistan’s first female MMA fighter
Anita Kareem belongs to northern area of Pakistan, she breaks all stereotypes against women, she is from a small village where very few number of girls moved to different cities for education, Anita got a serious accident after that she moved to federal capital of Pakistan for education with brothers. Her brothers support in trouble and do their best for practice and exercise. Anita is still doing practice with her brothers and when she left for MMA fight, her parents and the whole villagers paid tribute to her. She is now inspiration for girls in Pakistan.
Anas AhmedDirector
Anas AhmedWriter
Nauman FarooqProducer
Anita KareemKey Cast
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:2 minutes 47 seconds
Completion Date:May 15, 2021
Production Budget:100 USD
Country of Origin:Pakistan
Country of Filming:Pakistan
Shooting Format:35mm
Aspect Ratio:16.9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Anas Ahmed is a mid career journalist and documentary producer. He starts his journalism career in 2015. Anas starts first short documentary digital platform of Pakistan (Lens360) where he is trying to work on unique and socio political issues specially the stories those neglected by traditional media.
Merhaba, it’s my wish to designed a unique platform for national and international audience where I try to mainly focus on human issues. I start my digital platform a month ago and proudly I can say we are the two young and passionate journalist doing everything ourself from story board to editing. This is our first experience in production but we are learning all stuff from YouTube and striving for the best