André Soares
Documentary about the life of artist and architect, André Soares. Between November 2019 and November 2020, the City of Braga is paying tribute to André Soares, a unique figure in the city's history and identity. The celebrations mark the 250th anniversary of the artist's death (1769-2019) and the 300th anniversary of his birth (1720-2020) .
Martin DaleDirectorThe Portuguese Caminho, Minho Road Trip, Bom Jesus - A Sanctuary in the Sky
Sombra ChinesaProducerThe Portuguese Caminho, Minho Road Trip, Bom Jesus - A Sanctuary in the Sky
Municipio de BragaProducerBraga - Past, Present & Future
Eduardo RêgoKey Cast"Voiceover"
Project Title (Original Language):André Soares
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:11 minutes
Completion Date:November 27, 2019
Production Budget:5,000 EUR
Country of Origin:Portugal
Country of Filming:Portugal
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Martin Dale is a director, university professor and film journalist for Variety. Born in London, he grew up in the UK and has travelled widely since the age of 21, including three years in the USA, five years in France and over twenty years in Portugal.
He has won various awards for his films including 2nd prize in the Religious films documentary of the Finisterra Arrabida Film Festival in 2020 and the best film of Porto and North of Portugal in the Art&Tur Film Festival in 2016, 2017 and 2018. His documentary "The Portuguese Way" had its world premiere in the Fantasporto festival in 2019 and won 2nd prize as Best Documentary and also Best Religious documentary at the Finisterra Arrabida Film Festival in 2019. In 2020 he is making a series of short films about André Soares, as well as a range of other projects. He studied at Oxford University (with a B.A. Hons and M.A. (Oxon) degrees in Politics, Philosophy and Economics) and at the Lauder Institute, Wharton School of Finance in Philadelphia (degree units within the MBA course). He has strong cultural knowledge, and attended the MA in Communications at the Annenberg School of Communications, University of Pennsylvania (funded by a 2-year Thouron Scholarship). He is also a graduate of the Acadèmie Carat, Paris (1991) and in 2020 completed his PhD in Communications at the University of Minho in Braga, Portugal. He also works on a part-time basis an Assistant Professor in Communications (Film Studies) at the University of Minho in Braga, Portugal. He speaks English, Portuguese, French and Spanish. He currently has his home base in Arcos de Valdevez / Braga in Portugal and his domicile in Dover, Kent, UK.
The 18th century architect and artist, André Soares, left an indelible mark on the city of Braga and the Minho region and North of Portugal, at the level of the imprint left by other European figures such as the influence of Gaudi on Barcelona. His inventiveness and creative inspiration provide for a fascinating journey