After the Showers, 2069
It's a never-ending love story that takes place in the future, connecting past and present lives.
The story unfolds as an unfinished love story.
An unfulfilled love in a previous life leads to a dream in a sad reality.
Unfortunately, they are forced into forced labor, and the rain showers come and go again.
The situation repeats itself in the future in the background of the tunnel.
They meet again by chance and reunite to make love
and then ~ again
The reversal that appeared to them
The reversal that appeared to them again is that they are connected with various electrical and electronic devices in a capsule in a spaceship due to a nuclear explosion on Earth.
It's an artificial intelligence that's connected to its brain and shows dreamlike images on a monitor.
There are scientists watching them and the two main characters are probably going to space ?
Ending Title
(Cookie Ending Video) Ending Credits
Zoom in on a mannequin in the window of a department store in the year 2024 ~ Seung-ki and Yeon-ah.
Where is the real reality?
DongHyun Lee Dong Hyun Lee제작감독
DongHyun Lee Dong Hyun LeeWriter
Project Title (Original Language):After the Showers, 2069
Project Type:Animation, Documentary, Experimental, Feature, Music Video, Short, Web / New Media
Genres:로맨스, 드라마
Runtime:6 minutes
Completion Date:August 30, 2024
Production Budget:500 USD
Country of Origin:Korea, Republic of
Country of Filming:Korea, Republic of
Language:Japanese, Korean, Odia, Other
Shooting Format:생성 AI 이미지,영상 구현
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Black & White and Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
뉴욕국제영화제 NYIFF뉴욕
AI FILM 부분 수상 -
아테네국제AI아트필름페티스발 AIMAFF아테네
최우수감독부분 우수상 -
폴란드시네테크 영화제
출품선정 -
중국AI아티스트 영화제
출품선정후 현재심사중 -
인도윙스국제 필름 페스티발
January 7, 2025
포스트모던영화 부분 수상
AI Artificial Intelligence Marketing Education Center
Content Planning Producer
Professor of Generative AI Research
Author (AI book) “How to make an AI movie in 5 days”, “This is AI marketing” ,
“How to utilize ChatGPT 100% for office workers”
AI movie, commercial director
Stock Videographer
(Former) Cinematographer
AI마케팅연구소 소장
위앤월드커뮤니케이션 대표
작가(AI저서) "AI영화5일만에제작하는법", "이것이AI마케팅이다" ,
"직장인을위한 ChatGPT100%활용방법"
AI영화,광고 감독