This touring film festival is for all the little adventurers among us! We are seeking films starring adventurous kids of all ages or that will appeal to kids aged up to 14 years old. ADVENTURE KIDS will be in cinemas later in 2020 in Australia and internationally.

Laurels for all selected films and the winner.

Submission criteria:

1- we are accepting submissions for SHORT FILMS ONLY at this time (feature length films may be submitted and considered for editing).
2- your film should incorporate as many of these attributes as possible: an adventurous activity e.g. climbing, skiing, snowboarding, surfing, skateboarding, biking etc., inspiration, human interest, conservation, engaging story, unique characters, gender, race, ethnic and running diversity.
3- films should be family-friendly and suitable for young audiences.
4- we believe strongly in looking beyond the traditional definition of adventure.
5- we see a LOT of content. Therefore, the fresher/newer your film is, the better.

Please include the following in your submission: synopsis of the film and a copy of the film.


ADVENTURE KIDS is seeking film submissions that embody the spirit of running. Length of selected films will usually vary from 5 minutes to 25 minutes in length.

There are no time constraints for when the film was produced, nor are there location constraints for where the film takes place, however, priority will be given to films produced in the last 3-6 months and that have little or no online availability.

Online screeners and digital submissions required. If your film is in a language other than English it must have English subtitles or dubbing to be considered. Submission by mail will gladly be accepted, but please consider the environment in choosing your packaging material. For formats, please contact the organiser prior to submission of the preferred format (DVD, NTSC, blue ray etc).

Please include the following in your submission: synopsis of the film, detail of the prior screening criteria listed above, your personal availability for the festival dates (or others associated with the film) and a link to the film. If your film is selected for inclusion in ADVENTURE KIDS you must also provide a trailer extract and still imagery for use in promotion.


By submitting your film, you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to the following terms:

1. You have all intellectual property rights to all content in the submission and you have the performing rights for any music contained in the film.
2. If requested you will provide evidence of intellectual property ownership should it be required.
3. You agree to allow Adventure Entertainment Pty Ltd and its related bodies corporate, successors, licensees and assignees to use your film and any associated photos or extracts in the ADVENTURE KIDS film tour or any associated running or adventure programming in any digital format including cinema projection, video on demand, DVD/Blu-Ray and streaming compilations, anywhere in the world in perpetuity. Films may be shown at multiple screenings. Segments of the films may be used in trailers and marketing. Photographs, screen grabs or filmmaker submitted images may be used in promotional material and social media. Adventure Entertainment may sub-licence this right without further consent.
4. To the best of your knowledge, all of the statements in this document are true.
5. The film submitted is not subject to litigation nor is threatened by any litigation.
6. You are duly authorised to submit this film to the festival and its competition.
7. You understand that Adventure Entertainment is not responsible for any type of loss or damage to you pertaining to the film or its use by Adventure Entertainment.
8. Final decision of films included in ADVENTURE KIDS will be at the absolute discretion of the Event Organisers.