I write stuff* and occasionally film stuff
An AuDHD, genderfluid filmmaker with the inclination for the fantastic.
*afforementioned 'stuff' included but not limited to: psychic cyborgs, angelic soldiers who are terrible friends, father-daughter spy/heist comedies, a ghost hunter and his deal with a demon, vampires and cowboys, a stuffed rabbit plushie and her trio of traumatized friends, a missing persons detective haunted by the doppleganger of his deceased partner, a space pirate on the prowl to find her missing daughter, Santa Claus's old vampire hunting gang from his days in 'Nam, a gang of ex-Princesses who heist the lands that spurn them, and some dude named Fabio.
Filmed works include a dismayed dance in the desert (And So, My Heart Became a Void, 2024) a cardsharping scoundrel (Bad Deal, 2023) and an axe-crazy father with a camcorder (RUN! RABBIT! RUN!, 2024).
Plenty more to come...
University of New Mexico
Film and Digital Media Arts
Birth Date
June 3
Birth City
white enough to say "let's rock and roll" when leaving a restaraunt, but not white enough to say I'm "1/16th Cherokee" or something
Eye Color
Zodiac Sign
-If I don't write once a day, I'll die. Like Tinkerbell when you stop believing in her.
-I'm Hard of Hearing in one ear, and hypersensitive in the other. I can't hear you talking, but I can hear your watch ticking. "What's that like?" it sucks so hard, next question
-I was nominated "Next Tony Stark" in High School despite being absolutely terrible at math.
-I have an evil twin. One of us lies and the other only tells the truth. (It's me, I'm the liar. Both of us are liars.)
-I will do a Yoshi voice at random intervals on set.
-One time, when I was around 8 years old, I wrote a letter to President Barack Obama to tell him how annoying my mom was and that he should raise taxes on her specifically (???) and then I just kind of rambled about polar bear habitat decline for two more pages. Obviously, the only response I got was a form letter, but I like to think Obama personally read it and was like, "huh..."
-I can recite the "Bing Qi Ling/Bing Chilling" meme from memory.
-I'm banned from mixing the cocktails at parties due to the Christmas 2023 incident.
-I love skeletons. Like, in general. I see a skeleton and I'm like "Hell Yeah!"
-Despite what my horror features seem to suggest, I'm an INFP Myers-Briggs type.
-Very good at solving mystery films before the ending reveal, but no one really appreciates this for the talent it is. They just tell me "Shut up, Phee! You're spoiling it!"
-I fainted while in line at the MVD once. Another time, for the same reason, I fainted in the bathroom on the set of my own film "RUN! RABBIT! RUN!" (2024). To my knowledge, I've never fainted anywhere else, but that's TWO too many times to be fainting in the modern day
-I've hidden a secret code in this Trivia section. Whoever breaks it and finds the message shall be crowned King of Britain.
I write stuff* and occasionally film stuff
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