Private Project

Absurdity of Certainty

When director Jena Axelrod seeks to defend her new holistic worldview, she finds David Peat, a physicist-philosopher in a tiny Italian medieval hilltop village. While David makes accessible the science and ideas that led to the West's rigid, polarized, mechanistic way of seeing, his silence is what speaks volumes to Jena.

  • Dr. F. David Peat
    Key Cast
    Quantum Physicist, Philosopher, Author, Pari Center
  • Jena Axelrod
    Key Cast
    SiriusXM, Caroline's Comedy Club. Friar's Club
  • James Peat Barbieri
    Key Cast
    Recurring Grandson #1
  • Jena Axelrod
    Director Producer
    SiriusXM, Soulpancake, The Friar's Club
  • Lou Stone Borenstein
    Story Advisor
    Reframed, Is This Thing On?, The Little Sleep
  • Tanya Glebova
    Free Kick, Homeless, Village Vibe
  • Basil Hiley
    Unwilling Physics Advisor
    Quantum Physicist, Professor Emeritus, Author The Undivided Universe with Bohm
  • Morgan Inman
    Supervising Sound Editor & Sound Designer
    Showtime, Wu-Tang Clan: Of Mics and Man
  • Hester Reeves
    Manicurist to The Philosopher's Finger
    Artist, Author, YMEDACA, Art on Terror: The Incendiary Device of Philosophy
  • Thomas Richtner
    Animation Director
    FOX, The Simpsons
  • Shantena Augusto Sabbadini
    Theoretical Physicist, Eranos Foundation, Director Pari Center
  • Ben Schellpfeffer
    Director of Photography
    ABC News, Into The Gyre, The Lottery
  • Gordon Shippey
    Physics Advisor
  • Project Type:
    Documentary, Feature
  • Genres:
    science, spirituality, philosophy
  • Runtime:
    1 hour 18 minutes
  • Completion Date:
    November 30, 2021
  • Production Budget:
    150,000 USD
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
    Italy, United States
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Film Color:
    Black & White and Color
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography

Director Jena Axelrod is also a comedian known for her radio work on Jackie's Jokehunt on Howard 101 on SiriusXM, and as a writer for SoulPancake.

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Director Statement

I want to live in a better world. The world is not binary, not black or white. The world is complex, a spectrum. And is greater than or. Humanity is a whole, united in consciousness, I learned the hard way after a spiritual emergence 20 years ago. Absurdity of Certainty film, while surreal and silly, uses the Western worldview's polarized and certain logic to bite its own tail. We prop up a quantum physicist philosopher, founder of The Pari Center, David Peat. David shows us how we became detached from the living universe with the rise of Newtonian Clockwork in the 1700s, and then follow him into the 1900s when the physicists themselves were forced to embrace wholeness with the discovery of the quantum. Those physicist saw that light is both a wave and a particle, and that two opposite forms of description can coexist. The physicist Neils Bohr even adopted the symbol of the yin yang when he was knighted in Scotland. I want us to stop fighting each other, and to consider why we act the way that we do.

We have not yet locked the picture, please view this version of the rough cut with a grain of salt. This film is in the state of becoming like What The Bleep as if made by Monty Python.