ABOLFAZL GHOLAMI(born in Mazandaran- AMOL on June 16, 1995) is an Iranian filmmaker and photographer. He has created several short films and a collection of artistic photographs and has shown them in private art exhibitions and ceremonies, he has also screened several short films at foreign festivals. He started his career as an amateur filmmaker at the age of 12, when his father first gave him a "Handy cam" camera as a gift. He later made several short and semi-feature films on videotape during his adolescence. When he entered high school, he became very interested in theater and he appeared in several plays as an actor. The play "THE APPLE AND THE TREE OF WISHES" entered the university theater after shining in schools, and at the age of 16 he won the special jury prize along with the play. He entered the undergraduate course of photography at art university of Isfahan, and after various courses and participating in joint workshops between the university of Isfahan and Strasbourg Germany, he managed the present his first collection of art photography called " THE DEATH OF MY GRANDMOTHER WHE NO ONCE CARE" at the annual art exhibition of Isfahan university of arts and be praised. He participated in several photography author theory courses and published numbers articles on photography. His dissertation is in the filed photography of " BARREN LANDS" collection, in which he deals with issue of dumping waste in his native province. Later, he entered to cinema at the master's level and studied at ART UNIVERSITY OF SOORE based in Tehran. He made several short films, all of which were in the horror genre, a series of short films called "LEECH", "SEEKER", "MONSTER", "I JUST WANNA TO PLAY WITH MY TOYS" and recently made a horror short film called "GIANT" which is in the post-production stage. He starred in the short film "LEECH" and won the jury prize for his role in the NIGERIA INSHORT FILM FESTIVAL 2019. He has also made on minute short series called "DOGT FIGHT" which has been broadcast in Instagram. Due to his intense interest the horror genre, he has tried to make a series of horror films and is currently pre-production a short film "NIGHT CREATURES" is, in his own words, a dark drama. After writing several screenplays with filmmakers and students of HFF( University of television and Film Munich), he became a member of HFF and wrote NIGHT CREATURES in its online screenwriting workshop, and the film is scheduled to be screened at the HFF 2021 online edition festival.
He has also made lots of films regarding amateur cinema. His short film collection: “WHAT WE DON’T KNOW”. “IF YOU FORGOT MY NAME, CALL ME A MONSTER”. “I SEE YOU TWO FROM THAT BAD FREAK, MAYBE SHE IS YOUR TWIN SISTER”. “MISTAKING AN IDEAL CONNECTION FOR A REAL ONE”. All follow gay teenagers masculine and aggressive world who are in their darkest situations. His LGBT short film collection as he has told: are all dark dramas from my friends and acquaintances who even in the roughest moments of their lives believe in love, in a beam of light in absolute darkness. The film “WHAT WE DON’ KNOW” was screened at the 36h Tehran international short film festival in the experimental film meeting section and received very good feedbacks from the founders of this course. This film also screened at PARAMEDIA’s first screening as the founders have said: was one of the best films of the course. He is recently finishing his movie “I SEE YOU TWO FROM THAT BAD FREAK MAYBE SHE IS YOUR TWIN SISTER”, the movie is in it’s post-production stage and will be presented at PARAMEDIAsecond screening. All of his films are about dark world that are not penetrable under any circumstances, unless you become that film itself. His intense interest in gay, masculine world in an anti LGBT society has made it possible for his dark dramas o be produced one after another.