Aba Twana be Thongo:The tone poem
Having grown up in the northern surburbs of Johannesburg filmmaker A.R. Madlanga moves to Taiwan, Khayelitsha- a township on the periphery of Cape Town. His sheltered upbringing is brought into question when confronted by the violence bubbling under South Africa. Aba Twana be Thongo: The Tone Poem is a reflection on A.R. Madlanga's first year in Taiwan, a psychedelic look at violent state his soul is now stranded in.
A.R. MadlangaDirector
A.R. MadlangaWriter
A.R. MadlangaProducer
Project Type:Experimental
Runtime:3 minutes 49 seconds
Completion Date:November 29, 2019
Country of Origin:South Africa
Country of Filming:South Africa
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
A.R. Madlanga is an independent filmmaker born in Skerkspruit, EC. In 2019 he was awarded a scholarship to study Cinematography for content creation at ORMS Cape Town School of Photography, since completing his studies he has made various independent experimental shorts even being invited to participate in the 2022 Latent group exhibition at ORMS CTSP. Influenced by late 1960s-70s Hollywood New Wave cinema and the works of Andrei Tarkovsky, he is continuously pushing to see how far he can take experimental cinema, while making it more accessible for his people.