AVVENTURE is the italian film festival based on adventure and exploration, the place where you can live unique experiences, be inspired and share a passion.
AVVENTURE will feature a selection of the best adventure films, new and old, from around the world. We are willing to cast our pro-gramming around environment-focused, motivating, outdoor based, explo-ration and/or inspiring picture to depict the meaning of Adventure on the screens.
It is the festival of those who love outdoor sports and nature, for those who want to try to make their life a unique adventure, for those who appreciate the beauty and to those who can get emotional for a dream.
• Best Adventure Medium Documentary
• Best Adventure Short Documentary
• Green Award – for the ability to describe and stimulate environmental awareness
There will be a prize provided by our technical sponsors. We will communicate them as soon as possible.
Regulation for AVVENTURE FILM FESTIVAL 2019, powered by Adventure Awards days
Competition Call for submissions
Deadline: June the 15th 2019
The organization of AVVENTURE competition announces the eighth edition of the Short and Medium Films Competition called “AVVENTURE FILM FESTIVAL”, it was ADVENTURE AWARDS DAYS in the past editions.
AVVENTURE will feature a selection of the best adventure films, new and old, from around the world. We are willing to cast our pro-gramming around environment-focused, motivating, outdoor based, explo-ration and/or inspiring picture to depict the meaning of Adventure on the screens.
1. The competition is open and the main requirement is the submission via FilmFreeway. Each submission is subjected to a 5-8 € fee
2. There are no limits of age, citizenship or residence.
3. The competition has two categories:
A - Short films, with a duration between 3 and 20 minutes. 5€ fee
B - Medium films, with a duration between 20 and 40 minutes. 8€ fee
Films can be presented in any original language.
It's mandatory to provide english subtitles. Subtitles should be converted in a .srt file with correct time-codes, so that the organization will be able to translate them in Italian too.
4. Participation at this Festival is compatible with any other Festival and with obtaining other awards and/or grants.
5. Each author can participate with a maximum of two works.
6. Festival’s accepted genres.
The Festival is focused only on documentary short and medium movies.
We will not accept animation or fiction projects.
7. Theme of the competition.
All the films must be focused on adventure, environment, sport, exploration, human inspiration, outdoor life.
8. Awards.
A jury of experts will view all the films screened at AVVENTURE FILM FESTIVAL and will provide the winners and the awards.
The awards will follow those categories.
• Best Movie (short and medium)
• Green Award – for the ability to describe and stimulate environmental awareness.
9. Rights. By submitting a film to AVVENTURE you agree to the following:
a) AVVENTURE owns the rights to screen the film at AVVENTURE FILM FESTIVAL and also as part of any promotional Special Screening.
b) All music licenses (including, without limitation, all synchronization, me-chanical and master use licenses, as applicable) have been obtained and all payments have been made that are required for the public performance of the music incorporated in the film.
c) No material in the film being submitted by the entrant to the festival is li-belous or defamatory or violates any right of privacy or publicity of any per-son, and the full use of the rights in such film will not violate any rights, in-cluding copyright or moral rights, of any person, firm or corporation. d) We can use bits of your submission for a short promo/trailer for the Awards.
10. To enter in the Competiton’s pre-selections it’s required:
For each work submitted to the contest, it will be essential to fill in the Festival registration form available at the FilmFreeway platform, which can be accessed from the ADVENTURE AWARDS days website.
11. All the short and medium films will face a first selection by the festival organization committee; the works selected as finalists will be projected during the film show nights.
12. In case they are selected, the authors will be requested to send a hi-def copy of their work for screening purposes:
- a digital version: H.264 (MOV, Mp4, AVI) @25fps, frame size 1920x1080p (720p is allowed too), data rate between 8 and 20 Mbps.
- the authorization model duly signed
- a data sheet of the film
13. Promotional material.
Where possible a link to an on line teaser / trailer of the film is appreciated.
At least one high resolution JPG image of a scene in the film is supplied for free use in promoting the festival. All images must be watermarked, and must contain a description with film title, location and photographer credit. Those pictures will be retained by AVVENTURE FILM FESTIVAL. We would be honored to consider uncompressed QuickTime movie of a few selected clips, possibly in 16/9, for us to use for the festival trailer / promo. Note that this trailer / promo will be used on-line and on air to promote the event. No original music will be used from any of the films screening.
14. Competition Phase.
Short film screenings will be held from July 13- April 14 at which time the audience will vote on their favorite work.
The Screening of winning films and the Awards Ceremony will be held in Rovereto(TN), on Saturday, 14 of JULY
15. A jury of experts and field operators, whose names will be made public after the competion announcement date, will examine the finalists’ works and will give, at his own unchallengeable judgement, the awards specified ad point 8.
Any other award or special mention will be given at the jury’s discretion according to the ADVENTURE AWARDS days' organization.
16. The competition projections and prize-giving will take place during the festival AVVENTURE FILM FESTIVAL, in ROVERETO.
17. Organizers will contact the winners, so they can present their film before the final screening of the AVVENTURE FILM FESTIVAL.
18. At the awards ceremony, the presence of the person responsible for the work will be kind required, or else that of someone on which he/she dele-gates.
The Organization will let the verdict be known with enough time to facilitate travel and response regarding attendance. Organizers will meet any accommodation in Arco, but, unfortunately, not travel expenses. In case of impossibility to be at the venue, we would like to receive a small video of ac-knowledgment by the author.
It's also mandatory to send a picture and or video of the author with the plaque on his/her hands to the ADVENTURE AWARDS Days' organization.
19. The author allows his work projection during the festival nights and other film shows or reviews connected to the festival; he/she also declares that he’s the owner of all rights concerning the use of his work, bar none, and that his works contents don’t violate the in force laws or anybody’s rights and that the work doesn’t have libellous contents.
In any case, the author dispenses the organization with any responsability about the content of the short film shown in public.
20. All participants, just by being so, fully accept these terms of participation, as well as the resolutions and rulings issued by the Organization, which will not be appealable.
Due to circumastances beyond their control, for technical-organizational problems, to make improvements or in case of unexpected particolar situa-tions, the organizers will be able to modify this regulation, giving notice about it on the website http://www.adventureawards.it
For any other info:
AVVENTURE Promotional screenings
AVVENTURE would like to offer the opportunity to film makers and distributors who submit films to us for mutual and beneficial promotion.