A Surreal Dream
A Surreal Dream," a mesmerizing short film by Luka Winter. This enchanting story follows the life of an elderly man trapped in a monotonous and lonely existence in a bleak, colorless city. Every day, he wanders through the urban landscape, searching for emotions lost to time, but only finds solitude and despair. The young ignore him, and he feels insignificant, despite having once been a mighty king. In his somber solitude, he longs for the vibrant life he once knew.
However, in the world of dreams, everything changes. Beyond the veil of reality, the old man transforms into a brave and determined young paladin. Here, in a realm filled with surreal landscapes and mystical challenges, he must embark on a quest to recover "The Heart of the Dream." Accompanied by his majestic tiger, Orion, the paladin faces various trials that test his courage, endurance, compassion, ingenuity, and sacrifice.
Eva Gonzalez GonzalezDirector
Eva Gonzalez GonzalezWriter
Eva Gonzalez GonzalezProducer
Project Type:Short
Runtime:14 minutes 9 seconds
Completion Date:July 5, 2024
Country of Origin:Spain
Country of Filming:Spain
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Eva Gonzalez, known artistically as Luka Winter, is a seasoned writer, illustrator, and AI filmmaker specializing in Dark Fantasy and Fantasy Art. Her body of work stands out for its meticulously crafted imaginary worlds and narratives rich in psychological depth. With a unique blend of creativity and technical expertise, she explores complex themes, weaving together immersive stories that challenge the boundaries of reality and delve into the human psyche. Through her innovative use of AI in filmmaking, Luka continues to push the artistic envelope, creating compelling visual and emotional experiences in the realms of fantasy.